Source code for jwql.jwql_monitors.generate_preview_images

#! /usr/bin/env python

"""Generate preview images for all files in the ``jwql`` filesystem.

Execution of this script will generate preview images and thumbnail
images for each file in the ``jwql`` filesystem.  Preview images have
axes labels, titles, and colorbars, wheras thumbnail images are
smaller and contain no labels.  Images are saved into the
``preview_image_filesystem`` and ``thumbnail_filesystem``, organized
by subdirectories pertaining to the ``program_id`` in the filenames.


    - Matthew Bourque
    - Bryan Hilbert


    This script is intended to be executed as such:



import argparse
import glob
import logging
import multiprocessing
import os
import re

import numpy as np

from jwql.utils import permissions
from jwql.utils.logging_functions import log_info, log_fail
from jwql.utils.protect_module import lock_module
from jwql.utils.preview_image import PreviewImage
from jwql.utils.utils import get_config, filename_parser
from jwql.utils.monitor_utils import update_monitor_table, initialize_instrument_monitor

# Size of NIRCam inter- and intra-module chip gaps
SW_MOD_GAP = 1387  # pixels = int(43 arcsec / 0.031 arcsec/pixel)
LW_MOD_GAP = 741  # pixels = int(46 arcsec / 0.062 arcsec/pixel)
SW_DET_GAP = 145  # pixels = int(4.5 arcsec / 0.031 arcsec/pixel)
FULLX = 2048  # Width of the full detector
FULLY = 2048  # Height of the full detector

SETTINGS = get_config()

[docs] def array_coordinates(channelmod, detector_list, lowerleft_list): """Create an appropriately sized ``numpy`` array to contain the mosaic image given the channel and module of the data. Parameters ---------- channelmod : str Indicator of the NIRCam channel/module of the data. Options are: ``LW`` - for longwave channel data ``SWA`` - for shortwave A module only (4 detectors) data ``SWB`` - for shortwave B module only (4 detectors) data ``SW`` - for shortwave both module data (8 detectors) detector_list : list List of detectors used in data to be simulated lowerleft_list : list Each element is a tuple giving the (x, y) coordinates corresponding to the lower left corner of the aperture within the full frame detector. These values come from the ``SUBSTRT1`` and 2 values in the file headers. Returns ------- xdim : int Length of the output array needed to contain all detectors' data ydim : int Height of the output array needed to contain all detectors' data module_lowerlefts : dict Dictionary giving the ``(x, y)`` coordinate in the coordinate system of the full module(s) where the lower left corner of the data from a given detector will be placed. (e.g. ``NRCA1: (1888, 1888)`` means that the data from detector ``NRCA1`` should be placed into ``[1888: 1888+y_dim_of_data, 1888: 1888+x_dim_of_data]`` within the final array (which has total dimensions of ``(xdim, ydim)`` """ # Create dictionary of lower left pixel values for each # detector as it sits in the MODULE. B1-B4 values here will # need to have sw_mod_gap added to their x coordinates in # order to translate to the full A and B module coordinate system. # The only case where LW data will be in this function is where # both detectors are used, so set A5/B5 coordinates to be in # the full module A and B coordinate system. Note that these # tuples are (x,y), NOT (y,x) ashort = ["NRCA1", "NRCA2", "NRCA3", "NRCA4"] bshort = ["NRCB1", "NRCB2", "NRCB3", "NRCB4"] module_lowerlefts = {"NRCA1": (0, 0), "NRCA2": (0, FULLY + SW_DET_GAP), "NRCA3": (FULLX + SW_DET_GAP, 0), "NRCA4": (FULLX + SW_DET_GAP, FULLY + SW_DET_GAP), "NRCB1": (FULLX + SW_DET_GAP, FULLY + SW_DET_GAP), "NRCB2": (FULLX + SW_DET_GAP, 0), "NRCB3": (0, FULLY + SW_DET_GAP), "NRCB4": (0, 0), "NRCA5": (0, 0), "NRCB5": (FULLX + LW_MOD_GAP, 0)} # If both module A and B are used, then shift the B module # coordinates to account for the intermodule gap if channelmod == "SW": mod_delta = (FULLX * 2 + SW_DET_GAP + SW_MOD_GAP, 0) for b_detector in bshort: module_lowerlefts[b_detector] = tuple([sum(x) for x in zip(module_lowerlefts[b_detector], mod_delta)]) # The only subarrays we need to worry about are the SW SUBXXX # All other subarrays are on a single detector. # All we need to do is find the lower left values for NRCA1 and/or NRCB4. # From that we can calculate the rest. Also, if observing with both # A and B modules, only full frame is allowed, so no need to worry about # subarrays in both modules simultaneously. subx = 1 suby = 1 if 'SW' in channelmod: detector_list = np.array(detector_list) a1 = detector_list == 'NRCA1' b4 = detector_list == 'NRCB4' lowerleft_list = np.array(lowerleft_list) if np.sum(a1) == 1: subx, suby = lowerleft_list[a1][0] elif np.sum(b4) == 1: subx, suby = lowerleft_list[b4][0] else: missing_a14 = "SW data provided, but neither NRCA1 nor NRCB4 are present." logging.error(missing_a14) raise ValueError(missing_a14) # Adjust the lower left positions of the apertures within # the module(s) in the case of subarrays if ((subx != 1) | (suby != 1)): subarr_delta = {"NRCA1": (0, 0), "NRCA2": (0, 0 - suby), "NRCA3": (0 - subx, 0), "NRCA4": (0 - subx, 0 - suby), "NRCB1": (0 - subx, 0 - suby), "NRCB2": (0 - subx, 0), "NRCB3": (0, 0 - suby), "NRCB4": (0, 0)} for det in ashort + bshort: module_lowerlefts[det] = tuple([sum(x) for x in zip(module_lowerlefts[det], subarr_delta[det])]) # Dimensions of array to hold all data # Adjust dimensions of individual detector for subarray if necessary aperturex = FULLX - (subx - 1) aperturey = FULLY - (suby - 1) # Full module(s) dimensions if channelmod in ['SWA', 'SWB']: xdim = 2 * aperturex + SW_DET_GAP ydim = 2 * aperturey + SW_DET_GAP elif channelmod == 'SW': xdim = 4 * aperturex + 2 * SW_DET_GAP + SW_MOD_GAP ydim = 2 * aperturey + SW_DET_GAP elif channelmod == 'LW': xdim = 2 * aperturex + LW_MOD_GAP ydim = aperturey return xdim, ydim, module_lowerlefts
[docs] def check_existence(file_list, outdir): """Given a list of fits files, determine if a preview image has already been created in ``outdir``. Parameters ---------- file_list : list List of fits filenames from which preview image will be generated outdir : str Directory that will contain the preview image if it exists Returns ------- exists : bool ``True`` if preview image exists, ``False`` if it does not """ # If file_list contains only a single file, then we need to search # for a preview image name that contains the detector name if len(file_list) == 1: filename = os.path.split(file_list[0])[1] search_string = filename.split('.fits')[0] + '_*.jpg' else: # If file_list contains multiple files, then we need to search # for the appropriately named jpg of the mosaic, which depends # on the specific detectors in the file_list file_parts = filename_parser(file_list[0]) if file_parts['detector'].upper() in NIRCAM_SHORTWAVE_DETECTORS: mosaic_str = "NRC_SW*_MOSAIC_" elif file_parts['detector'].upper() in NIRCAM_LONGWAVE_DETECTORS: mosaic_str = "NRC_LW*_MOSAIC_" search_string = 'jw{}{}{}_{}{}{}_{}_{}{}*.jpg'.format( file_parts['program_id'], file_parts['observation'], file_parts['visit'], file_parts['visit_group'], file_parts['parallel_seq_id'], file_parts['activity'], file_parts['exposure_id'], mosaic_str, file_parts['suffix']) current_files = glob.glob(os.path.join(outdir, search_string)) if len(current_files) > 0: return True else: return False
[docs] def create_dummy_filename(filelist): """Create a dummy filename indicating the detectors used to create the mosaic. Check the list of detectors used to determine the proper text to substitute into the initial filename. Parameters ---------- filelist : list List of filenames containing the data used to create the mosaic. It is assumed these filenames follow JWST filenaming conventions. Returns ------- dummy_name : str The first filename in ``filelist`` is modified, such that the detector name is replaced with text indicating the source of the mosaic data. """ det_string_list = [] modules = [] for filename in filelist: indir, infile = os.path.split(filename) det_string = filename_parser(infile)['detector'] det_string_list.append(det_string) modules.append(det_string[3].upper()) # Previous sorting means that either all of the # input files are LW, or all are SW. So we can check any # file to determine LW vs SW if '5' in det_string_list[0]: suffix = "NRC_LW_MOSAIC" else: moda = modules.count('A') modb = modules.count('B') if moda > 0: if modb > 0: suffix = "NRC_SWALL_MOSAIC" else: suffix = "NRC_SWA_MOSAIC" else: if modb > 0: suffix = "NRC_SWB_MOSAIC" dummy_name = filelist[0].replace(det_string_list[0], suffix) return dummy_name
[docs] def create_mosaic(filenames): """If an exposure comprises data from multiple detectors read in all the appropriate files and create a mosaic so that the preview image will show all the data together. Parameters ---------- filenames : list List of filenames to be combined into a mosaic Returns ------- mosaic_filename : str Name of fits file containing the mosaicked data """ # Use preview_image to load data and create difference image # for each detector. Save in a list data = [] detector = [] data_lower_left = [] for filename in filenames: image = PreviewImage(filename, "SCI") # Now have, image.dq data_dim = len( if data_dim == 4: diff_im = image.difference_image( else: diff_im = data.append(diff_im) detector.append(filename_parser(filename)['detector'].upper()) data_lower_left.append((image.xstart, image.ystart)) # Make sure SW and LW data are not being mixed. Create the # appropriately sized numpy array to hold all the data based # on the channel, module, and subarray size mosaic_channel = find_data_channel(detector) full_xdim, full_ydim, full_lower_left = array_coordinates(mosaic_channel, detector, data_lower_left) # Create the array to hold all the data datashape = data[0].shape datadim = len(datashape) if datadim == 2: full_array = np.zeros((1, full_ydim, full_xdim)) * np.nan elif datadim == 3: full_array = np.zeros((datashape[0], full_ydim, full_xdim)) * np.nan else: raise ValueError('Difference image for {} must be either 2D or 3D.'.format(filenames[0])) # Place the data from the individual detectors in the appropriate # places in the final image for pixdata, detect in zip(data, detector): x0, y0 = full_lower_left[detect] if datadim == 2: yd, xd = pixdata.shape full_array[0, y0: y0 + yd, x0: x0 + xd] = pixdata elif datadim == 3: ints, yd, xd = pixdata.shape full_array[:, y0: y0 + yd, x0: x0 + xd] = pixdata # Create associated DQ array and set unpopulated pixels to be skipped # in preview image scaling full_dq = create_dq_array(full_xdim, full_ydim, full_array[0, :, :], mosaic_channel) return full_array, full_dq
[docs] def create_dq_array(xd, yd, mosaic, module): """Create DQ array that goes with the mosaic image. Set unpopulated pixels to be skipped in preview image scaling. Same for the reference pixels for all detectors Parameters ---------- xd : int X-coordinate dimension of the DQ array yd : int Y-coordinate dimension of the DQ array mosaic : obj 2D ``numpy`` array containing the mosaic image module : str Module used for mosaic. Options are ``LW``,`` SW``, ``SWA``, ``SWB`` Returns ------- dq : obj 2D ``numpy`` array containing the DQ array. Pixels that are ``True`` are considered science pixels and are used when scaling the preview image. Pixels that are ``False`` are skipped. """ # Create array dq = np.ones((yd, xd), dtype="bool") # Flag inter-chip and inter-module pixels as False dq[np.isnan(mosaic)] = 0 # Flag reference pixels as False # Present in all cases other than subarrays if xd >= FULLX: dq[0:4, :] = 0 dq[:, 0:4] = 0 dq[2044:2048, :] = 0 dq[:, 2044:2048] = 0 if module == "LW": lwb_lower = FULLX + LW_MOD_GAP dq[:, lwb_lower:lwb_lower + 4] = 0 dq[:, lwb_lower + 2044:lwb_lower + 2048] = 0 if module in ["SWA", "SWB", "SW"]: # Present for full frame single module or both modules lowerval = FULLX + SW_DET_GAP dq[lowerval: lowerval + 4, :] = 0 dq[(lowerval + 2044):, :] = 0 dq[:, lowerval: lowerval + 4] = 0 dq[:, (lowerval + 2044):(lowerval + 2048)] = 0 if module == "SW": # Present only if both modules are used (full frame) modb_lower = lowerval + FULLX + SW_MOD_GAP dq[:, modb_lower:(modb_lower + 4)] = 0 dq[:, (modb_lower + 2044):(modb_lower + 2048)] = 0 modb_upper = modb_lower + FULLX + SW_DET_GAP dq[:, modb_upper:(modb_upper + 4)] = 0 dq[:, (modb_upper + 2044):(modb_upper + 2048)] = 0 else: # Subarrays: expand the pixels flagged due to chip gaps # by one row and column nan_indexes = np.where(np.isnan(mosaic)) match = nan_indexes[0] == yd - 1 vert_xmin = np.min(nan_indexes[1][match]) vert_xmax = vert_xmin + SW_DET_GAP - 1 match2 = nan_indexes[1] == xd - 1 horiz_ymin = np.min(nan_indexes[0][match2]) horiz_ymax = horiz_ymin + SW_DET_GAP - 1 dq[:, vert_xmin - 4:vert_xmin] = 0 dq[:, vert_xmax + 1:vert_xmax + 5] = 0 dq[horiz_ymin - 4:horiz_ymin, :] = 0 dq[horiz_ymax + 1:horiz_ymax + 5, :] = 0 return dq
[docs] def define_options(parser=None, usage=None, conflict_handler='resolve'): """ """ if parser is None: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage=usage, conflict_handler=conflict_handler) parser.add_argument('--overwrite', action='store_true', default=None, help='If set, existing preview images will be re-created and overwritten.') return parser
[docs] def detector_check(detector_list, search_string): """Search a given list of detector names for the provided regular expression sting. Parameters ---------- detector_list : list List of detector names (e.g. ``NRCA5``) search_string : str Regular expression string to use for search Returns ------- total : int Number of detectors in ``detector_list`` that match ``search_string`` """ pattern = re.compile(search_string, re.IGNORECASE) match = [pattern.match(detector) for detector in detector_list] total = np.sum(np.array([m is not None for m in match])) return total
[docs] def find_data_channel(detectors): """Using a list of detectors, identify the channel(s) that the data are from. Parameters ---------- detectors : list List of detector names Returns ------- channel : str Identifier noting which channels the given detectors are in. Can be ``SWA`` for shortwave, module A only, ``SWB`` for shortwave, module B only, ``SW``, for shortwave modules A and B, and ``LW`` for longwave. """ # Check the detector names for all files. nrc_swa_total = detector_check(detectors, "NRCA[1-4]") nrc_swb_total = detector_check(detectors, "NRCB[1-4]") nrc_lw_total = detector_check(detectors, "NRC[AB]5") both_channels = "Can't mix NIRCam SW and LW data in same mosaic." if nrc_swa_total != 0: if nrc_lw_total != 0: raise ValueError(both_channels) else: if nrc_swb_total != 0: channel = "SW" else: channel = "SWA" else: if nrc_swb_total != 0: if nrc_lw_total != 0: raise ValueError(both_channels) else: channel = "SWB" else: if nrc_lw_total != 0: channel = "LW" else: raise ValueError("No NIRCam SW nor LW data") return channel
[docs] def get_base_output_name(filename_dict): """Returns the base output name used for preview images and thumbnails. Parameters ---------- filename_dict : dict A dictionary containing parsed filename parts via ``filename_parser`` Returns ------- base_output_name : str The base output name, e.g. ``jw96090001002_03101_00001_nrca2_rate`` """ base_output_name = 'jw{}{}{}_{}{}{}_{}_'.format( filename_dict['program_id'], filename_dict['observation'], filename_dict['visit'], filename_dict['visit_group'], filename_dict['parallel_seq_id'], filename_dict['activity'], filename_dict['exposure_id']) return base_output_name
[docs] @log_fail @log_info def generate_preview_images(overwrite): """The main function of the ``generate_preview_image`` module. See module docstring for further details. Parameters ---------- overwrite : bool If True, any existing preview images and thumbnails are overwritten """ # Process programs in parallel program_list = [os.path.basename(item) for item in glob.glob(os.path.join(SETTINGS['filesystem'], 'public', 'jw*'))] program_list.extend([os.path.basename(item) for item in glob.glob(os.path.join(SETTINGS['filesystem'], 'proprietary', 'jw*'))]) program_list = list(set(program_list)) pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=int(SETTINGS['cores'])) program_list = [(element, overwrite) for element in program_list] results = pool.starmap(process_program, program_list) pool.close() pool.join() # Filter the nested list in results into separate lists of preview # images and thumbnail images full_preview_files = [] full_thumbnail_files = [] for r in results: full_preview_files.extend(r[0]) full_thumbnail_files.extend(r[1]) # Filter the preview and thumbnail images by instrument and update the listfiles. # We do this by looking for instrument abbreviations in the filenames. But will # this work for level 3 files?? If an instrument abbreviation is not in the filename, # then the preview/thubnail images won't be caught and added here. for abbrev, inst_name in JWST_INSTRUMENT_NAMES_SHORTHAND.items(): inst_previews = [ele for ele in full_preview_files if, ele, re.IGNORECASE)] inst_thumbs = [ele for ele in full_thumbnail_files if abbrev in ele] # Read in the preview image listfile and the thumbnail image list file # and add these new files to each preview_image_listfile = os.path.join(SETTINGS['preview_image_filesystem'], f"{PREVIEW_IMAGE_LISTFILE}_{inst_name}.txt") update_listfile(preview_image_listfile, inst_previews, 'preview') thumbnail_image_listfile = os.path.join(SETTINGS['thumbnail_filesystem'], f"{THUMBNAIL_LISTFILE}_{inst_name}.txt") update_listfile(thumbnail_image_listfile, inst_thumbs, 'thumbnail') # Complete logging:"Completed.")
[docs] def group_filenames(filenames): """Given a list of JWST filenames, group together files from the same exposure. These files will share the same ``program_id``, ``observation``, ``visit``, ``visit_group``, ``parallel_seq_id``, ``activity``, ``exposure``, and ``suffix``. Only the ``detector`` will be different. Currently only NIRCam files for a given exposure will be grouped together. For other instruments multiple files for a given exposure will be kept separate from one another and no mosaic will be made. Stage 3 files will remain as individual files, and will not be grouped together with any other files. Parameters ---------- filenames : list list of filenames Returns ------- grouped : list grouped list of filenames where each element is a list and contains the names of filenames with matching exposure information. """ # Some initializations grouped, matched_names = [], [] filenames.sort() # Loop over each file in the list of good files for filename in filenames: # Holds list of matching files for exposure subgroup = [] # Generate string to be matched with other filenames try: filename_dict = filename_parser(os.path.basename(filename)) except ValueError: logging.warning('Could not parse filename for {}'.format(filename)) break # If the filename was already involved in a match, then skip if filename not in matched_names: # For stage 3 filenames, treat individually if 'stage_3' in filename_dict['filename_type']: matched_names.append(filename) subgroup.append(filename) # Group together stage 1 and 2 filenames elif filename_dict['filename_type'] == 'stage_1_and_2': # Determine detector naming convention if filename_dict['detector'].upper() in NIRCAM_SHORTWAVE_DETECTORS: detector_str = 'NRC[AB][1234]' elif filename_dict['detector'].upper() in NIRCAM_LONGWAVE_DETECTORS: detector_str = 'NRC[AB]5' else: # non-NIRCam detectors detector_str = filename_dict['detector'].upper() # Build pattern to match against base_output_name = get_base_output_name(filename_dict) match_str = '{}{}_{}.fits'.format(base_output_name, detector_str, filename_dict['suffix']) match_str = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filename), match_str) pattern = re.compile(match_str, re.IGNORECASE) # Try to match the substring to each good file for file_to_match in filenames: if pattern.match(file_to_match) is not None: matched_names.append(file_to_match) subgroup.append(file_to_match) else: # filename_dict['filename_type'] may be 'guider' or 'time_series', for instance. Treat individually. matched_names.append(filename) subgroup.append(filename) if len(subgroup) > 0: grouped.append(subgroup) return grouped
[docs] def process_program(program, overwrite): """Generate preview images and thumbnails for the given program. Parameters ---------- program : str The program identifier (e.g. ``88600``) overwrite : bool If False, skip over preview images/thumbnails that already exist. Only create images that do not currenlty exist. If True, create preview_images and thumbnails for all input files, regardless of whether the images already exist. Returns ------- preview_image_files : list List of preview image filenames thumbnail_files : list List of thumbnail image filenames """'')'Processing {}'.format(program)) # Gather files to process filenames = glob.glob(os.path.join(SETTINGS['filesystem'], 'public', program, 'jw*/*.fits')) filenames.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(SETTINGS['filesystem'], 'proprietary', program, 'jw*/*.fits'))) filenames = list(set(filenames)) # remove specific "ignored" suffix files (currently "original" and "stream") filenames = [filename for filename in filenames if os.path.splitext(filename.split('_')[-1])[0] not in IGNORED_SUFFIXES] # Remove guiding files, as these are not currently visible in JWQL anyway filenames = [filename for filename in filenames if 'guider_mode' not in filename_parser(filename)]'Found {} filenames'.format(len(filenames)))'') new_preview_counter = 0 existing_preview_counter = 0 thumbnail_files = [] preview_image_files = [] for filename in filenames: logging.debug(f'Working on {filename}') # Determine the save location try: identifier = 'jw{}'.format(filename_parser(filename)['program_id']) except ValueError: identifier = os.path.basename(filename).split('.fits')[0] preview_output_directory = os.path.join(SETTINGS['preview_image_filesystem'], identifier) thumbnail_output_directory = os.path.join(SETTINGS['thumbnail_filesystem'], identifier) # Check to see if the preview images already exist and skip if they do if not overwrite: # If overwrite is False, we create preview images only for files that # don't have them yet. file_exists = check_existence([filename], preview_output_directory) if file_exists: logging.debug("\tJPG already exists for {}, skipping.".format(filename)) existing_preview_counter += 1 continue else: # If overwrite is set to True, then we always create a new image file_exists = False # Create the output directories if necessary if not os.path.exists(preview_output_directory): os.makedirs(preview_output_directory) permissions.set_permissions(preview_output_directory)'\tCreated directory {}'.format(preview_output_directory)) if not os.path.exists(thumbnail_output_directory): os.makedirs(thumbnail_output_directory) permissions.set_permissions(thumbnail_output_directory)'\tCreated directory {}'.format(thumbnail_output_directory)) # Create the nominal preview image and thumbnail try: im = PreviewImage(filename, "SCI") im.clip_percent = 0.01 im.scaling = 'log' im.cmap = 'viridis' im.output_format = 'jpg' im.preview_output_directory = preview_output_directory im.thumbnail_output_directory = thumbnail_output_directory # Create a thumbnail for rate or dark files only. Create preview # images for all filetypes if 'rate.fits' in filename or 'dark.fits' in filename: im.make_image(max_img_size=8, create_thumbnail=True) new_preview_counter += 1 thumbnail_files.extend(im.thumbnail_images) logging.debug('\tCreated preview image and thumbnail for: {}'.format(filename)) else: im.make_image(max_img_size=8, create_thumbnail=False) new_preview_counter += 1 logging.debug('\tCreated preview image for: {}'.format(filename)) preview_image_files.extend(im.preview_images) except (ValueError, AttributeError) as error: logging.warning(error)"Created {new_preview_counter} new preview images.")"Skipped {existing_preview_counter} previously-existing preview images.") return preview_image_files, thumbnail_files
[docs] def update_listfile(filename, file_list, filetype): """Add a list of files to a text file. Designed to add new files to the file containing the list of all preview images and the file containing the list of all thumbnail images. Parameters ---------- filename : str Name, including path, of the file to be amended/created file_list : list List of filenames to be added to filename filetype : str Descriptor of the contents of the file being amended. Used only for the logging statement """ if len(file_list) > 0: if not os.path.isfile(filename): logging.warning(f"{filetype} image listfile not found!! Expected to be at {filename}. Creating a new file.") with open(filename, 'a+') as fobj: # Move read cursor to the start of file. # If file is not empty then append '\n' data = if len(data) > 0: fobj.write("\n") # Append file_list at the end of file for file_to_add in file_list: fobj.write(f'{file_to_add}\n')"{filetype} image listfile {filename} updated with new entries.")
[docs] @lock_module def protected_code(overwrite): """Protected code ensures only 1 instance of module will run at any given time Parameters ---------- overwrite : bool If True, any existing preview images and thumbnails are overwritten """ module = os.path.basename(__file__).strip('.py') start_time, log_file = initialize_instrument_monitor(module) generate_preview_images(overwrite) update_monitor_table(module, start_time, log_file)
if __name__ == '__main__': parser = define_options() args = parser.parse_args() protected_code(args.overwrite)