Source code for jwql.edb.engineering_database

#! /usr/bin/env python

"""Module for dealing with JWST DMS Engineering Database mnemonics.

This module provides ``jwql`` with convenience classes and functions
to retrieve and manipulate mnemonics from the JWST DMS EDB. It uses
the ``engdb_tools`` module of the ``jwst`` package to interface the
EDB directly.


    - Johannes Sahlmann
    - Mees Fix
    - Bryan Hilbert


    This module can be imported and used with


        from jwql.edb.engineering_database import get_mnemonic
        get_mnemonic(mnemonic_identifier, start_time, end_time)

    Required arguments:

    ``mnemonic_identifier`` - String representation of a mnemonic name.
    ``start_time`` - astropy.time.Time instance
    ``end_time`` - astropy.time.Time instance

    There are two possibilities for MAST authentication:

    1. A valid MAST authentication token is present in the local
    ``jwql`` configuration file (config.json).
    2. The MAST_API_TOKEN environment variable is set to a valid
    MAST authentication token.

    When querying mnemonic values, the underlying MAST service returns
    data that include the datapoint preceding the requested start time
    and the datapoint that follows the requested end time.
import calendar
from collections import OrderedDict
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from numbers import Number
import os
import warnings

from import ascii
from astropy.stats import sigma_clipped_stats
from astropy.table import Table
from astropy.time import Time
import astropy.units as u
from astroquery.mast import Mast
from bokeh.embed import components
from bokeh.layouts import column
from bokeh.models import BoxAnnotation, ColumnDataSource, DatetimeTickFormatter, HoverTool
from bokeh.models import Range1d
from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_file, show, save
import numpy as np

from jwst.lib.engdb_tools import ENGDB_Service
from jwql.utils.constants import MIRI_POS_RATIO_VALUES
from jwql.utils.constants import ON_GITHUB_ACTIONS
from jwql.utils.credentials import get_mast_base_url, get_mast_token
from jwql.utils.utils import get_config

MAST_EDB_MNEMONIC_SERVICE = 'Mast.JwstEdb.Mnemonics'

    Mast._portal_api_connection.MAST_REQUEST_URL = get_config()['mast_request_url']

[docs] class EdbMnemonic: """Class to hold and manipulate results of DMS EngDB queries.""" def __add__(self, mnem): """Allow EdbMnemonic instances to be added (i.e. combine their data). info and metadata will not be touched. Data will be updated. Duplicate rows due to overlapping dates will be removed. The overlap is assumed to be limited to a single section of the end of once EdbMnemonic instance and the beginning of the other instance. Either one of the two instances to be added can contain the earlier dates. The function will check the starting date of each instance and treat the earlier starting date as the instance that is first. Blocks will be updated to account for removed duplicate rows. Parameters ---------- mnem : jwql.edb.engineering_database.EdbMnemonic Instance to be added to the current instance Returns ------- new_obj : jwql.edb.engineering_database.EdbMnemonic Summed instance """ # Do not combine two instances of different mnemonics if self.mnemonic_identifier != mnem.mnemonic_identifier: raise ValueError((f'Unable to concatenate EdbMnemonic instances for {["tlmMnemonic"]} ' 'and {["tlmMnemonic"]}.')) # Case where one instance has an empty data table if len(["dates"]) == 0: return mnem if len(["dates"]) == 0: return self if np.min(["dates"]) < np.min(["dates"]): early_dates =["dates"].data late_dates =["dates"].data early_data =["euvalues"].data late_data =["euvalues"].data early_blocks = self.blocks late_blocks = mnem.blocks else: early_dates =["dates"].data late_dates =["dates"].data early_data =["euvalues"].data late_data =["euvalues"].data early_blocks = mnem.blocks late_blocks = self.blocks # Remove any duplicates, based on the dates entries # Keep track of the indexes of the removed rows, so that any blocks # information can be updated all_dates = np.append(early_dates, late_dates) unique_dates, unq_idx = np.unique(all_dates, return_index=True) # Combine the data and keep only unique elements all_data = np.append(early_data, late_data) unique_data = all_data[unq_idx] # This assumes that if there is overlap between the two date arrays, that # the overlap all occurs in a single continuous block at the beginning of # the later set of dates. It will not do the right thing if you ask it to # (e.g.) interleave two sets of dates. overlap_len = len(unique_dates) - len(all_dates) # Shift the block values for the later instance to account for any removed # duplicate rows if late_blocks[0] is not None: new_late_blocks = late_blocks - overlap_len if early_blocks[0] is None: new_blocks = new_late_blocks else: new_blocks = np.append(early_blocks, new_late_blocks) else: if early_blocks[0] is not None: new_blocks = early_blocks else: new_blocks = [None] new_data = Table([unique_dates, unique_data], names=('dates', 'euvalues')) new_obj = EdbMnemonic(self.mnemonic_identifier, self.data_start_time, self.data_end_time, new_data, self.meta,, blocks=new_blocks) if self.mean_time_block is not None: new_obj.mean_time_block = self.mean_time_block elif mnem.mean_time_block is not None: new_obj.mean_time_block = mnem.mean_time_block else: new_obj.mean_time_block = None # Combine any existing mean, median, min, max data, removing overlaps # All of these are populated in concert with median_times, so we can # use that to look for overlap values all_median_times = np.array(list(self.median_times) + list(mnem.median_times)) srt = np.argsort(all_median_times) comb_median_times = all_median_times[srt] unique_median_times, idx_median_times = np.unique(comb_median_times, return_index=True) new_obj.median_times = unique_median_times new_obj.mean = np.array(list(self.mean) + list(mnem.mean))[srt][idx_median_times] new_obj.median = np.array(list(self.median) + list(mnem.median))[srt][idx_median_times] new_obj.max = np.array(list(self.max) + list(mnem.max))[srt][idx_median_times] new_obj.min = np.array(list(self.min) + list(mnem.min))[srt][idx_median_times] return new_obj def __init__(self, mnemonic_identifier, start_time, end_time, data, meta, info, blocks=[None], mean_time_block=None): """Populate attributes. Parameters ---------- mnemonic_identifier : str Telemetry mnemonic identifier start_time : astropy.time.Time instance Start time end_time : astropy.time.Time instance End time data : astropy.table.Table Table representation of the returned data. meta : dict Additional information returned by the query info : dict Auxiliary information on the mnemonic (description, category, unit) blocks : list Index numbers corresponding to the beginning of separate blocks of data. This can be used to calculate separate statistics for each block. mean_time_block : astropy.units.quantity.Quantity Time period over which data are averaged """ self.mnemonic_identifier = mnemonic_identifier self.requested_start_time = start_time self.requested_end_time = end_time = data self.mean = [] self.median = [] self.stdev = [] self.median_times = [] self.min = [] self.max = [] self.mean_time_block = mean_time_block self.meta = meta = info self.blocks = np.array(blocks) if len( == 0: self.data_start_time = None self.data_end_time = None else: self.data_start_time = np.min(['dates']) self.data_end_time = np.max(['dates']) if isinstance(['euvalues'][0], Number) and 'TlmMnemonics' in self.meta: self.full_stats() def __len__(self): """Report the length of the data in the instance""" return len(["dates"]) def __mul__(self, mnem): """Allow EdbMnemonic instances to be multiplied (i.e. combine their data). info will be updated with new units if possible. Data will be updated. Blocks will not be updated, under the assumption that the times in will all be kept, and therefore self.blocks will remain correct after multiplication. Parameters ---------- mnem : jwql.edb.engineering_database.EdbMnemonic Instance to be multiplied into the current instance Returns ------- new_obj : jwql.edb.engineering_database.EdbMnemonic New object where the data table is the product of those in the inputs """ # If the data has only a single entry, we won't be able to interpolate, and therefore # we can't multiply it. Return an empty EDBMnemonic instance if len(["dates"].data) < 2:["dates"] = []["euvalues"] = [] return mnem # First, interpolate the data in mnem onto the same times as mnem.interpolate(["dates"].data) # Extrapolation will not be done, so make sure that we account for any elements # that were removed rather than extrapolated. Find all the dates for which # data exists in both instances. common_dates, self_idx, mnem_idx = np.intersect1d(["dates"],["dates"], return_indices=True) # Adjust self.blocks based on the new dates. For each block, find the index of common_dates # that corresponds to its previous date, and use that index in the new blocks list. Note that # we will do this for self.blocks. mnem.blocks is ignored and will not factor in to the # new blocks list. We have to choose either self.blocks or mnem.blocks to keep, and it makes # more sense to keep with self.blocks since this is a method of new_blocks = [0] for block in self.blocks: try: prev_date =['dates'][block] before = np.where(common_dates ==['dates'][block])[0] if len(before) > 0: new_blocks.append(before[0]) # + 1) except IndexError: # The final block value is usually equal to the length of the array, and will # therefore cause an Index Error in the lines above. Ignore that error here. # This way, if the final block is less than the length of the array, we can # still process it properly. pass # The last element of blocks should be the final element of the data if new_blocks[-1] != len(common_dates): new_blocks.append(len(common_dates)) # Strip away any rows from the tables that are not common to both instances self_data =[self_idx] mnem_data =[mnem_idx] # Mulitply new_tab = Table() new_tab["dates"] = common_dates new_tab["euvalues"] = self_data["euvalues"] * mnem_data["euvalues"] new_obj = EdbMnemonic(self.mnemonic_identifier, self.requested_start_time, self.requested_end_time, new_tab, self.meta,, blocks=new_blocks) if self.mean_time_block is not None: new_obj.mean_time_block = self.mean_time_block elif mnem.mean_time_block is not None: new_obj.mean_time_block = mnem.mean_time_block else: new_obj.mean_time_block = None try: combined_unit = (u.Unit(['unit']) * u.Unit(['unit'])).compose()[0]['unit'] = f'{combined_unit}'['tlmMnemonic'] = f'{["tlmMnemonic"]} * {["tlmMnemonic"]}'['description'] = f'({["description"]}) * ({["description"]})' except KeyError: pass return new_obj def __str__(self): """Return string describing the instance.""" return 'EdbMnemonic {} with {} records between {} and {}'.format( self.mnemonic_identifier, len(, self.data_start_time, self.data_end_time)
[docs] def block_stats(self, sigma=3, ignore_vals=[], ignore_edges=False, every_change=False): """Calculate stats for a mnemonic where we want a mean value for each block of good data, where blocks are separated by times where the data are ignored. Parameters ---------- sigma : int Number of sigma to use for sigma clipping ignore_vals : list Any elements with values matching values in this list will be ignored ignore_edges : bool If True, the first and last elements of each block will be ignored. This is intended primarily for the MIRI ever_change data in IMIR_HK_xxx_POS_RATIO, where the position ratio values are not exactly synced up with the IMIR_HK_xxx_CUR_POS value. In that case, the first or last elements can have values from a time when the ratio has not yet settled to its final value. every_change : bool If True, the data are assumed to be every_change data. This is used when dealing with blocks that exclusively contain data to be ignored """ means = [] medians = [] maxs = [] mins = [] stdevs = [] medtimes = [] remove_change_indexes = [] if type(["euvalues"].data[0]) not in [np.str_, str]: for i, index in enumerate(self.blocks[0:-1]): # Protect against repeated block indexes if index < self.blocks[i + 1]: if self.meta['TlmMnemonics'][0]['AllPoints'] != 0: block =["euvalues"].data[index:self.blocks[i + 1]] empty_block = False uvals = np.unique(block) if np.array_equal(np.array(sorted(ignore_vals)), uvals): empty_block = True meanval, medianval, stdevval, maxval, minval = np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan # If the block is composed entirely of data to be ignored, then we don't # add new mean, median, max, min, stdev values, and we also need to remove # the associated entry from self.every_change_values and self.blocks # (only in the case of every_change data) if every_change: remove_change_indexes.append(i) else: # If there are values to be ignored, remove those from the array # of elements. Keep track of whether the first and last are ignored. ignore_first = False ignore_last = False for ignore_val in ignore_vals: ignore_idx = np.where(block == ignore_val) block = np.delete(block, ignore_idx) if 0 in ignore_idx[0]: ignore_first = True if len(block) - 1 in ignore_idx[0]: ignore_last = True # If we want to ignore the first and last elements, do that here if ignore_edges: if len(block) > 3: if not ignore_last: block = block[0:-1] if not ignore_first: block = block[2:] meanval, medianval, stdevval = sigma_clipped_stats(block, sigma=sigma) maxval = np.max(block) minval = np.min(block) else: meanval, medianval, stdevval, maxval, minval = change_only_stats(["dates"].data[index:self.blocks[i + 1]],["euvalues"].data[index:self.blocks[i + 1]], sigma=sigma) if np.isfinite(meanval): medtimes.append(calc_median_time(["dates"].data[index:self.blocks[i + 1]])) means.append(meanval) medians.append(medianval) maxs.append(maxval) mins.append(minval) stdevs.append(stdevval) else: pass # If there were blocks composed entirely of bad data, meaning no mean values were # calculated, remove those every change values and block values from the EdbMnemonic # instance. if every_change: if len(remove_change_indexes) > 0: self.every_change_values = np.delete(self.every_change_values, remove_change_indexes) self.blocks = np.delete(self.blocks, remove_change_indexes) else: # If the data are strings, then set the mean to be the data value at the block index for i, index in enumerate(self.blocks[0:-1]): # Protect against repeated block indexes if index < self.blocks[i + 1]: meanval =["euvalues"].data[index] medianval = meanval stdevval = 0 medtimes.append(calc_median_time(["dates"].data[index:self.blocks[i + 1]])) means.append(meanval) medians.append(medianval) stdevs.append(stdevval) maxs.append(meanval) mins.append(meanval) # if hasattr(self, 'every_change_values'): # updated_every_change_vals.append(self.every_change_values[i + 1]) self.mean = means self.median = medians self.stdev = stdevs self.median_times = medtimes self.max = maxs self.min = mins
[docs] def block_stats_filter_positions(self, sigma=5): """Calculate stats for a mnemonic where we want a mean value for each block of good data, where blocks are separated by times where the data are ignored. In this case, there are custom adjustments meant to work on the MIRI filter position mnemonics (e.g. IMIR_HK_GW14_POS_RATIO, IMIR_HK_FW_POS_RATIO). Parameters ---------- sigma : int Number of sigma to use for sigma clipping """ means = [] medians = [] maxs = [] mins = [] stdevs = [] medtimes = [] remove_change_indexes = [] if type(["euvalues"].data[0]) not in [np.str_, str]: for i, index in enumerate(self.blocks[0:-1]): # Protect against repeated block indexes if index < self.blocks[i + 1]: if self.meta['TlmMnemonics'][0]['AllPoints'] != 0: block =["euvalues"].data[index:self.blocks[i + 1]] filter_value = self.every_change_values[i] pos_type = self.mnemonic_identifier.split('_')[2] if pos_type not in MIRI_POS_RATIO_VALUES: raise ValueError((f'Unrecognized filter position type: {pos_type} in {self.mnemonic_identifier}.' f'Expected one of {MIRI_POS_RATIO_VALUES.keys()}')) if filter_value not in MIRI_POS_RATIO_VALUES[pos_type]: raise ValueError((f'Unrecognized filter value: {filter_value} in block {i} of {self.mnemonic_identifier}')) nominal_value, std_value = MIRI_POS_RATIO_VALUES[pos_type][filter_value] max_value = nominal_value + sigma * std_value min_value = nominal_value - sigma * std_value empty_block = False good = np.where((block <= max_value) & (block >= min_value))[0] if len(good) == 0: empty_block = True meanval, medianval, stdevval, maxval, minval = np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan, np.nan # If the block is composed entirely of data to be ignored, then we don't # add new mean, median, max, min, stdev values, and we also need to remove # the associated entry from self.every_change_values and self.blocks # (only in the case of every_change data) remove_change_indexes.append(i) else: # If there are values to be ignored, remove those from the array # of elements. Keep track of whether the first and last are ignored. block = block[good] meanval, medianval, stdevval = sigma_clipped_stats(block, sigma=sigma) maxval = np.max(block) minval = np.min(block) else: meanval, medianval, stdevval, maxval, minval = change_only_stats(["dates"].data[index:self.blocks[i + 1]],["euvalues"].data[index:self.blocks[i + 1]], sigma=sigma) if np.isfinite(meanval): # this is preventing the nans above from being added. not sure what to do here. # bokeh cannot deal with nans. but we need entries in order to have the blocks indexes # remain correct. but maybe we dont care about the block indexes after averaging medtimes.append(calc_median_time(["dates"].data[index:self.blocks[i + 1]][good])) means.append(meanval) medians.append(medianval) maxs.append(maxval) mins.append(minval) stdevs.append(stdevval) # If there were blocks composed entirely of bad data, meaning no mean values were # calculated, remove those every change values and block values from the EdbMnemonic # instance. if len(remove_change_indexes) > 0: self.every_change_values = np.delete(self.every_change_values, remove_change_indexes) self.blocks = np.delete(self.blocks, remove_change_indexes) else: # If the data are strings, then set the mean to be the data value at the block index for i, index in enumerate(self.blocks[0:-1]): # Protect against repeated block indexes if index < self.blocks[i + 1]: meanval =["euvalues"].data[index] medianval = meanval stdevval = 0 medtimes.append(calc_median_time(["dates"].data[index:self.blocks[i + 1]])) means.append(meanval) medians.append(medianval) stdevs.append(stdevval) maxs.append(meanval) mins.append(meanval) self.mean = means self.median = medians self.stdev = stdevs self.median_times = medtimes self.max = maxs self.min = mins
[docs] def bokeh_plot(self, show_plot=False, savefig=False, out_dir='./', nominal_value=None, yellow_limits=None, red_limits=None, title=None, xrange=(None, None), yrange=(None, None), return_components=True, return_fig=False, plot_data=True, plot_mean=False, plot_median=False, plot_max=False, plot_min=False): """Make basic bokeh plot showing value as a function of time. Optionally add a line indicating nominal (expected) value, as well as yellow and red background regions to denote values that may be unexpected. Parameters ---------- show_plot : bool If True, show plot on screen rather than returning div and script savefig : bool If True, file is saved to html file out_dir : str Directory into which the html file is saved nominal_value : float Expected or nominal value for the telemetry. If provided, a horizontal dashed line at this value will be added. yellow_limits : list 2-element list giving the lower and upper limits outside of which the telemetry value is considered non-nominal. If provided, the area of the plot between these two values will be given a green background, and that outside of these limits will have a yellow background. red_limits : list 2-element list giving the lower and upper limits outside of which the telemetry value is considered worse than in the yellow region. If provided, the area of the plot outside of these two values will have a red background. title : str Will be used as the plot title. If None, the mnemonic name and description (if present) will be used as the title xrange : tuple Tuple of min, max datetime values to use as the plot range in the x direction. yrange : tuple Tuple of min, max datetime values to use as the plot range in the y direction. return_components : bool If True, return the plot as div and script components return_fig : bool If True, return the plot as a bokeh Figure object plot_data : bool If True, plot the data in the table plot_mean : bool If True, also plot the line showing the self.mean values plot_median : bool If True, also plot the line showing the self.median values plot_max : bool If True, also plot the line showing the self.max values plot_min : bool If True, also plot the line showing the self.min values Returns ------- obj : list or bokeh.plotting.figure If return_components is True, return a list containing [div, script] If return_figre is True, return the bokeh figure itself """ # Make sure that only one output type is specified, or bokeh will get mad options = np.array([show_plot, savefig, return_components, return_fig]) if np.sum(options) > 1: trues = np.where(options)[0] raise ValueError((f'{options[trues]} are set to True in plot_every_change_data. Bokeh ' 'will only allow one of these to be True.')) # yellow and red limits must come in pairs if yellow_limits is not None: if len(yellow_limits) != 2: yellow_limits = None if red_limits is not None: if len(red_limits) != 2: red_limits = None # If there are no data in the table, then produce an empty plot in the date # range specified by the requested start and end time if len(["dates"]) == 0: null_dates = [self.requested_start_time, self.requested_end_time] null_vals = [0, 0] source = ColumnDataSource(data={'x': null_dates, 'y': null_vals}) else: source = ColumnDataSource(data={'x':['dates'], 'y':['euvalues']}) if savefig: filename = os.path.join(out_dir, f"telem_plot_{self.mnemonic_identifier.replace(' ','_')}.html") if is None: units = 'Unknown' else: units =["unit"] # Create a useful plot title if necessary if title is None: if 'description' in if len(['description']) > 0: title = f'{self.mnemonic_identifier} - {["description"]}' else: title = self.mnemonic_identifier else: title = self.mnemonic_identifier fig = figure(tools='pan,box_zoom,reset,wheel_zoom,save', x_axis_type='datetime', title=title, x_axis_label='Time', y_axis_label=f'{units}') # For cases where the plot is empty or contains only a single point, force the # plot range to something reasonable if len(["dates"]) < 2: fig.x_range = Range1d(self.requested_start_time - timedelta(days=1), self.requested_end_time) bottom, top = (-1, 1) if yellow_limits is not None: bottom, top = yellow_limits if red_limits is not None: bottom, top = red_limits fig.y_range = Range1d(bottom, top) if plot_data: data = fig.scatter(x='x', y='y', line_width=1, line_color='blue', source=source) data_line = fig.line(x='x', y='y', line_width=1, line_color='blue', source=source) hover_tool = HoverTool(tooltips=[('Value', '@y'), ('Date', '@x{%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S}') ], mode='mouse', renderers=[data]) hover_tool.formatters = {'@x': 'datetime'} # Plot the mean value over time if len(self.median_times) > 0: if self.median_times[0] is not None: if plot_mean: source_mean = ColumnDataSource(data={'mean_x': self.median_times, 'mean_y': self.mean}) mean_data = fig.scatter(x='mean_x', y='mean_y', line_width=1, line_color='orange', alpha=0.75, source=source_mean) mean_hover_tool = HoverTool(tooltips=[('Mean', '@mean_y'), ('Date', '@mean_x{%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S}')], mode='mouse', renderers=[mean_data]) mean_hover_tool.formatters = {'@mean_x': 'datetime'} if plot_median: source_median = ColumnDataSource(data={'median_x': self.median_times, 'median_y': self.median}) median_data = fig.scatter(x='median_x', y='median_y', line_width=1, line_color='orangered', alpha=0.75, source=source_median) median_hover_tool = HoverTool(tooltips=[('Median', '@median_y'), ('Date', '@median_x{%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S}')], mode='mouse', renderers=[median_data]) median_hover_tool.formatters = {'@median_x': 'datetime'} # If the max and min arrays are to be plotted, create columndata sources for them as well if plot_max: source_max = ColumnDataSource(data={'max_x': self.median_times, 'max_y': self.max}) max_data = fig.scatter(x='max_x', y='max_y', line_width=1, color='black', line_color='black', source=source_max) max_hover_tool = HoverTool(tooltips=[('Max', '@max_y'), ('Date', '@max_x{%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S}')], mode='mouse', renderers=[max_data]) max_hover_tool.formatters = {'@max_x': 'datetime'} if plot_min: source_min = ColumnDataSource(data={'min_x': self.median_times, 'min_y': self.min}) min_data = fig.scatter(x='min_x', y='min_y', line_width=1, color='black', line_color='black', source=source_min) minn_hover_tool = HoverTool(tooltips=[('Min', '@min_y'), ('Date', '@min_x{%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S}')], mode='mouse', renderers=[min_data]) min_hover_tool.formatters = {'@min_x': 'datetime'} if len(["dates"]) == 0: data.visible = False if nominal_value is not None: fig.line(null_dates, np.repeat(nominal_value, len(null_dates)), color='black', line_dash='dashed', alpha=0.5) else: # If there is a nominal value provided, plot a dashed line for it if nominal_value is not None: fig.line(['dates'], np.repeat(nominal_value, len(['dates'])), color='black', line_dash='dashed', alpha=0.5) # If limits for warnings/errors are provided, create colored background boxes if yellow_limits is not None or red_limits is not None: fig = add_limit_boxes(fig, yellow=yellow_limits, red=red_limits) # Make the x axis tick labels look nice fig.xaxis.formatter = DatetimeTickFormatter(microseconds="%d %b %H:%M:%S.%3N", seconds="%d %b %H:%M:%S.%3N", hours="%d %b %H:%M", days="%d %b %H:%M", months="%d %b %Y %H:%M", years="%d %b %Y" ) fig.xaxis.major_label_orientation = np.pi / 4 # Force the axes' range if requested if xrange[0] is not None: fig.x_range.start = xrange[0].timestamp() * 1000. if xrange[1] is not None: fig.x_range.end = xrange[1].timestamp() * 1000. if yrange[0] is not None: fig.y_range.start = yrange[0] if yrange[1] is not None: fig.y_range.end = yrange[1] if savefig: output_file(filename=filename, title=self.mnemonic_identifier) save(fig) if show_plot: show(fig) if return_components: script, div = components(fig) return [div, script] if return_fig: return fig
[docs] def bokeh_plot_text_data(self, show_plot=False): """Make basic bokeh plot showing value as a function of time. Parameters ---------- show_plot : boolean A switch to show the plot in the browser or not. Returns ------- [div, script] : list List containing the div and js representations of figure. """ abscissa =['dates'] ordinate =['euvalues'] p1 = figure(tools='pan,box_zoom,reset,wheel_zoom,save', x_axis_type='datetime', title=self.mnemonic_identifier, x_axis_label='Time') override_dict = {} # Dict instructions to set y labels unique_values = np.unique(ordinate) # Unique values in y data # Enumerate i to plot 1, 2, ... n in y and then numbers as dict keys # and text as value. This will tell bokeh to change which numerical # values to text. for i, value in enumerate(unique_values): index = np.where(ordinate == value)[0] override_dict[i] = value dates = abscissa[index].astype(np.datetime64) y_values = list(np.ones(len(index), dtype=int) * i) p1.line(dates, y_values, line_width=1, line_color='blue', line_dash='dashed'), y_values, color='blue') p1.yaxis.ticker = list(override_dict.keys()) p1.yaxis.major_label_overrides = override_dict if show_plot: show(p1) else: script, div = components(p1) return [div, script]
[docs] def change_only_add_points(self): """Tweak change-only data. Add an additional data point immediately prior to each original data point, with a value equal to that in the previous data point. This will help with filtering data based on conditions later, and will create a plot that looks more realistic, with only horizontal and vertical lines. """ new_dates = [["dates"][0]] new_vals = [["euvalues"][0]] delta_t = timedelta(microseconds=1) for i, row in enumerate(["dates"][1:]): new_dates.append(["dates"][i + 1] - delta_t) new_vals.append(["euvalues"][i]) new_dates.append(["dates"][i + 1]) new_vals.append(["euvalues"][i + 1]) new_table = Table() new_table["dates"] = new_dates new_table["euvalues"] = new_vals = new_table # Update the metadata to say that this is no longer change-only data self.meta['TlmMnemonics'][0]['AllPoints'] = 1
[docs] def daily_stats(self, sigma=3): """Calculate the statistics for each day in the data contained in data["data"]. Should we add a check for a case where the final block of time is <<1 day? Parameters ---------- sigma : int Number of sigma to use for sigma clipping """ if len(["euvalues"]) == 0: self.mean = [] self.median = [] self.stdev = [] self.median_times = [] self.max = [] self.min = [] else: if type(["euvalues"].data[0]) not in [np.str_, str]: min_date = np.min(["dates"]) date_range = np.max(["dates"]) - min_date num_days = date_range.days num_seconds = date_range.seconds range_days = num_days + 1 # Generate a list of times to use as boundaries for calculating means limits = np.array([min_date + timedelta(days=x) for x in range(range_days)]) limits = np.append(limits, np.max(["dates"])) means, meds, devs, maxs, mins, times = [], [], [], [], [], [] for i in range(len(limits) - 1): good = np.where((["dates"] >= limits[i]) & (["dates"] < limits[i + 1])) if self.meta['TlmMnemonics'][0]['AllPoints'] != 0: avg, med, dev = sigma_clipped_stats(["euvalues"][good], sigma=sigma) maxval = np.max(["euvalues"][good]) minval = np.min(["euvalues"][good]) else: avg, med, dev, maxval, minval = change_only_stats(["dates"][good],["euvalues"][good], sigma=sigma) means.append(avg) meds.append(med) maxs.append(maxval) mins.append(minval) devs.append(dev) times.append(limits[i] + (limits[i + 1] - limits[i]) / 2.) self.mean = means self.median = meds self.stdev = devs self.median_times = times self.max = maxs self.min = mins else: # If the mnemonic data are strings, we don't compute statistics self.mean = [] self.median = [] self.stdev = [] self.median_times = [] self.max = [] self.min = []
[docs] def full_stats(self, sigma=3): """Calculate the mean/median/stdev of the full compliment of data Parameters ---------- sigma : int Number of sigma to use for sigma clipping """ if type(["euvalues"].data[0]) not in [np.str_, str]: if self.meta['TlmMnemonics'][0]['AllPoints'] != 0: self.mean, self.median, self.stdev = sigma_clipped_stats(["euvalues"], sigma=sigma) self.max = np.max(["euvalues"]) self.min = np.min(["euvalues"]) else: self.mean, self.median, self.stdev, self.max, self.min = change_only_stats(["dates"],["euvalues"], sigma=sigma) self.mean = [self.mean] self.median = [self.median] self.stdev = [self.stdev] self.max = [self.max] self.min = [self.min] self.median_times = [calc_median_time(["dates"])] else: # If the mnemonic values are strings, don't compute statistics self.mean = [] self.median = [] self.stdev = [] self.max = [] self.min = [] self.median_times = []
[docs] def get_table_data(self): """Get data needed to make interactive table in template.""" # generate tables for display and download in web app display_table = copy.deepcopy( # temporary html file, # see tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() file_name_root = 'mnemonic_exploration_result_table' path_for_html = os.path.join(tmpdir, '{}.html'.format(file_name_root)) with open(path_for_html, 'w') as tmp: display_table.write(tmp, format='jsviewer') html_file_content = open(path_for_html, 'r').read() return html_file_content
[docs] def interpolate(self, times): """Interpolate data euvalues at specified datetimes. Parameters ---------- times : list List of datetime objects describing the times to interpolate to """ new_tab = Table() # Change-only data is unique and needs its own way to be interpolated if self.meta['TlmMnemonics'][0]['AllPoints'] == 0: new_values = [] new_dates = [] for time in times: latest = np.where(["dates"] <= time)[0] if len(latest) > 0: new_values.append(["euvalues"][latest[-1]]) new_dates.append(time) if len(new_values) > 0: new_tab["euvalues"] = np.array(new_values) new_tab["dates"] = np.array(new_dates) # This is for non change-only data else: # We can only linearly interpolate if we have more than one entry if len(["dates"]) >= 2: interp_times = np.array([create_time_offset(ele,["dates"][0]) for ele in times]) mnem_times = np.array([create_time_offset(ele,["dates"][0]) for ele in["dates"]]) # Do not extrapolate. Any requested interoplation times that are outside the range # or the original data will be ignored. good_times = ((interp_times >= mnem_times[0]) & (interp_times <= mnem_times[-1])) interp_times = interp_times[good_times] new_tab["euvalues"] = np.interp(interp_times, mnem_times,["euvalues"]) new_tab["dates"] = np.array([add_time_offset(ele,["dates"][0]) for ele in interp_times]) else: # If there are not enough data and we are unable to interpolate, # then set the data table to be empty new_tab["euvalues"] = np.array([]) new_tab["dates"] = np.array([]) # Adjust any block values to account for the interpolated data new_blocks = [] if self.blocks is not None: for index in self.blocks[0:-1]: good = np.where(new_tab["dates"] >=["dates"][index])[0] if len(good) > 0: new_blocks.append(good[0]) # Add en entry for the final element if it's not already there if len(new_blocks) > 0: if new_blocks[-1] < len(new_tab["dates"]): new_blocks.append(len(new_tab["dates"])) self.blocks = np.array(new_blocks) # Update the data in the instance. = new_tab
[docs] def plot_data_plus_devs(self, use_median=False, show_plot=False, savefig=False, out_dir='./', nominal_value=None, yellow_limits=None, red_limits=None, xrange=(None, None), yrange=(None, None), title=None, return_components=True, return_fig=False, plot_max=False, plot_min=False): """Make basic bokeh plot showing value as a function of time. Optionally add a line indicating nominal (expected) value, as well as yellow and red background regions to denote values that may be unexpected. Also add a plot of the mean value over time and in a second figure, a plot of the devaition from the mean. Parameters ---------- use_median : bool If True, plot the median rather than the mean, as well as the deviation from the median rather than from the mean show_plot : bool If True, show plot on screen rather than returning div and script savefig : bool If True, file is saved to html file out_dir : str Directory into which the html file is saved nominal_value : float Expected or nominal value for the telemetry. If provided, a horizontal dashed line at this value will be added. yellow_limits : list 2-element list giving the lower and upper limits outside of which the telemetry value is considered non-nominal. If provided, the area of the plot between these two values will be given a green background, and that outside of these limits will have a yellow background. red_limits : list 2-element list giving the lower and upper limits outside of which the telemetry value is considered worse than in the yellow region. If provided, the area of the plot outside of these two values will have a red background. xrange : tuple Tuple of min, max datetime values to use as the plot range in the x direction. yrange : tuple Tuple of min, max datetime values to use as the plot range in the y direction. title : str Will be used as the plot title. If None, the mnemonic name and description (if present) will be used as the title return_components : bool If True, return the plot as div and script components return_fig : bool If True, return the plot as a bokeh Figure object plot_max : bool If True, also plot the line showing the self.max values plot_min : bool If True, also plot the line showing the self.min values Returns ------- obj : list or bokeh.plotting.figure If return_components is True, return a list containing [div, script] If return_figre is True, return the bokeh figure itself """ # Make sure that only one output type is specified, or bokeh will get mad options = np.array([show_plot, savefig, return_components, return_fig]) if np.sum(options) > 1: trues = np.where(options)[0] raise ValueError((f'{options[trues]} are set to True in plot_every_change_data. Bokeh ' 'will only allow one of these to be True.')) # If there are no data in the table, then produce an empty plot in the date # range specified by the requested start and end time if len(["dates"]) == 0: null_dates = [self.requested_start_time, self.requested_end_time] null_vals = [0, 0] data_dates = null_dates data_vals = null_vals else: data_dates =['dates'] data_vals =['euvalues'] source = ColumnDataSource(data={'x': data_dates, 'y': data_vals}) # yellow and red limits must come in pairs if yellow_limits is not None: if len(yellow_limits) != 2: yellow_limits = None if red_limits is not None: if len(red_limits) != 2: red_limits = None if savefig: filename = os.path.join(out_dir, f"telem_plot_{self.mnemonic_identifier.replace(' ','_')}.html") if is None: units = 'Unknown' else: units =["unit"] # Create a useful plot title if necessary if title is None: if 'description' in if len(['description']) > 0: title = f'{self.mnemonic_identifier} - {["description"]}' else: title = self.mnemonic_identifier else: title = self.mnemonic_identifier fig = figure(tools='pan,box_zoom,reset,wheel_zoom,save', x_axis_type=None, title=title, x_axis_label='Time', y_axis_label=f'{units}') # For cases where the plot is empty or contains only a single point, force the # plot range to something reasonable if len(["dates"]) < 2: fig.x_range = Range1d(self.requested_start_time - timedelta(days=1), self.requested_end_time) bottom, top = (-1, 1) if yellow_limits is not None: bottom, top = yellow_limits if red_limits is not None: bottom, top = red_limits fig.y_range = Range1d(bottom, top) data = fig.scatter(x='x', y='y', line_width=1, line_color='blue', source=source) # Plot the mean value over time if len(self.median_times) > 0: if self.median_times[0] is not None: if use_median: meanvals = self.median else: meanvals = self.mean mean_data = fig.line(self.median_times, meanvals, line_width=1, line_color='orange', alpha=0.75) # If the max and min arrays are to be plotted, create columndata sources for them as well if plot_max: source_max = ColumnDataSource(data={'max_x': self.median_times, 'max_y': self.max}) fig.scatter(x='max_x', y='max_y', line_width=1, line_color='black', source=source_max) if plot_min: source_min = ColumnDataSource(data={'min_x': self.median_times, 'min_y': self.min}) fig.scatter(x='min_x', y='min_y', line_width=1, line_color='black', source=source_min) if len(["dates"]) == 0: data.visible = False if nominal_value is not None: fig.line(null_dates, np.repeat(nominal_value, len(null_dates)), color='black', line_dash='dashed', alpha=0.5) else: # If there is a nominal value provided, plot a dashed line for it if nominal_value is not None: fig.line(['dates'], np.repeat(nominal_value, len(['dates'])), color='black', line_dash='dashed', alpha=0.5) # If limits for warnings/errors are provided, create colored background boxes if yellow_limits is not None or red_limits is not None: fig = add_limit_boxes(fig, yellow=yellow_limits, red=red_limits) hover_tool = HoverTool(tooltips=[('Value', '@y'), ('Date', '@x{%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S}') ], mode='mouse', renderers=[data]) hover_tool.formatters = {'@x': 'datetime'} # Force the axes' range if requested if xrange[0] is not None: fig.x_range.start = xrange[0].timestamp() * 1000. if xrange[1] is not None: fig.x_range.end = xrange[1].timestamp() * 1000. if yrange[0] is not None: fig.y_range.start = yrange[0] if yrange[1] is not None: fig.y_range.end = yrange[1] # Now create a second plot showing the devitation from the mean fig_dev = figure(height=250, x_range=fig.x_range, tools="xpan,xwheel_zoom,xbox_zoom,reset", y_axis_location="left", x_axis_type='datetime', x_axis_label='Time', y_axis_label=f'Data - Mean ({units})') # Interpolate the mean values so that we can subtract the original data if len(self.median_times) > 1: interp_means = interpolate_datetimes(data_dates, self.median_times, meanvals) dev = data_vals - interp_means elif len(self.median_times) == 1: if self.median_times[0] is not None: dev = data_vals - meanvals else: dev = [0] * len(data_vals) else: # No median data, so we can't calculate any deviation dev = [0] * len(data_vals) # Plot fig_dev.line(data_dates, dev, color='red') # Make the x axis tick labels look nice fig_dev.xaxis.formatter = DatetimeTickFormatter(microseconds="%d %b %H:%M:%S.%3N", seconds="%d %b %H:%M:%S.%3N", hours="%d %b %H:%M", days="%d %b %H:%M", months="%d %b %Y %H:%M", years="%d %b %Y" ) fig.xaxis.major_label_orientation = np.pi / 4 # Place the two figures in a column object bothfigs = column(fig, fig_dev) if savefig: output_file(filename=filename, title=self.mnemonic_identifier) save(bothfigs) if show_plot: show(bothfigs) if return_components: script, div = components(bothfigs) return [div, script] if return_fig: return bothfigs
[docs] def save_table(self, outname): """Save the EdbMnemonic instance Parameters ---------- outname : str Name of text file to save information into """ ascii.write(, outname, overwrite=True)
[docs] def timed_stats(self, sigma=3): """Break up the data into chunks of the given duration. Calculate the mean value for each chunk. Parameters ---------- sigma : int Number of sigma to use in sigma-clipping """ if type(["euvalues"].data[0]) not in [np.str_, str]: duration_secs ='second').value date_arr = np.array(["dates"]) num_bins = (np.max(["dates"]) - np.min(["dates"])).total_seconds() / duration_secs # Round up to the next integer if there is a fractional number of bins num_bins = np.ceil(num_bins) self.mean = [] self.median = [] self.max = [] self.min = [] self.stdev = [] self.median_times = [] for i in range(int(num_bins)): min_date =["dates"][0] + timedelta(seconds=i * duration_secs) max_date = min_date + timedelta(seconds=duration_secs) good = ((date_arr >= min_date) & (date_arr < max_date)) if self.meta['TlmMnemonics'][0]['AllPoints'] != 0: avg, med, dev = sigma_clipped_stats(["euvalues"][good], sigma=sigma) maxval = np.max(["euvalues"][good]) minval = np.min(["euvalues"][good]) else: avg, med, dev, maxval, minval = change_only_stats(["dates"][good],["euvalues"][good], sigma=sigma) if np.isfinite(avg): self.mean.append(avg) self.median.append(med) self.stdev.append(dev) self.max.append(maxval) self.min.append(minval) self.median_times.append(calc_median_time(["dates"].data[good])) else: self.mean = [] self.median = [] self.stdev = [] self.max = [] self.min = [] self.median_times = []
[docs] def add_limit_boxes(fig, yellow=None, red=None): """Add green/yellow/red background colors Parameters ---------- fig : bokeh.plotting.figure Bokeh figure of the telemetry values yellow : list 2-element list of [low, high] values. If provided, the areas of the plot less than <low> and greater than <high> will be given a yellow background, to indicate an area of concern. red : list 2-element list of [low, high] values. If provided, the areas of the plot less than <low> and greater than <high> will be given a red background, to indicate values that may indicate an error. It is assumed that the low value of red is less than the low value of yellow, and that the high value of red is greater than the high value of yellow. Returns ------- fig : bokeh.plotting.figure Modified figure with BoxAnnotations added """ if yellow is not None: green = BoxAnnotation(bottom=yellow[0], top=yellow[1], fill_color='chartreuse', fill_alpha=0.2) fig.add_layout(green) if red is not None: yellow_high = BoxAnnotation(bottom=yellow[1], top=red[1], fill_color='gold', fill_alpha=0.2) fig.add_layout(yellow_high) yellow_low = BoxAnnotation(bottom=red[0], top=yellow[0], fill_color='gold', fill_alpha=0.2) fig.add_layout(yellow_low) red_high = BoxAnnotation(bottom=red[1], top=red[1] + 100, fill_color='red', fill_alpha=0.1) fig.add_layout(red_high) red_low = BoxAnnotation(bottom=red[0] - 100, top=red[0], fill_color='red', fill_alpha=0.1) fig.add_layout(red_low) else: yellow_high = BoxAnnotation(bottom=yellow[1], top=yellow[1] + 100, fill_color='gold', fill_alpha=0.2) fig.add_layout(yellow_high) yellow_low = BoxAnnotation(bottom=yellow[0] - 100, top=yellow[0], fill_color='gold', fill_alpha=0.2) fig.add_layout(yellow_low) else: if red is not None: green = BoxAnnotation(bottom=red[0], top=red[1], fill_color='chartreuse', fill_alpha=0.2) fig.add_layout(green) red_high = BoxAnnotation(bottom=red[1], top=red[1] + 100, fill_color='red', fill_alpha=0.1) fig.add_layout(red_high) red_low = BoxAnnotation(bottom=red[0] - 100, top=red[0], fill_color='red', fill_alpha=0.1) fig.add_layout(red_low) return fig
[docs] def add_time_offset(offset, dt_obj): """Add an offset to an input datetime object Parameters ---------- offset : float Number of seconds to be added dt_obj : datetime.datetime Datetime object to which the seconds are added Returns ------- obj : datetime.datetime Sum of the input datetime objects and the offset seconds. """ return dt_obj + timedelta(seconds=offset)
[docs] def calc_median_time(time_arr): """Calcualte the median time of the input time_arr Parameters ---------- time_arr : numpy.ndarray 1D array of datetime objects Returns ------- med_time : datetime.datetime Median time, as a datetime object """ if len(time_arr) > 0: med_time = time_arr[0] + ((time_arr[-1] - time_arr[0]) / 2.) else: med_time = np.nan return med_time
[docs] def change_only_bounding_points(date_list, value_list, starttime, endtime): """For data containing change-only values, where bracketing data outside the requested time span may be present, create data points at the starting and ending times. This can be helpful with later interpolations. Parameters ---------- date_list : list List of datetime values value_list : list List of corresponding mnemonic values starttime : datetime.datetime Start time endtime : datetime.datetime End time Returns ------- date_list : list List of datetime values value_list : list List of corresponding mnemonic values """ date_list_arr = np.array(date_list) if isinstance(starttime, Time): starttime = starttime.datetime if isinstance(endtime, Time): endtime = endtime.datetime valid_idx = np.where((date_list_arr <= endtime) & (date_list_arr >= starttime))[0] before_startime = np.where(date_list_arr < starttime)[0] before_endtime = np.where(date_list_arr < endtime)[0] # The value at starttime is either the value of the last point before starttime, # or NaN if there are no points prior to starttime if len(before_startime) == 0: value0 = np.nan else: value0 = value_list[before_startime[-1]] # The value at endtime is NaN if there are no times before the endtime. # Otherwise the value is equal to the value at the last point before endtime if len(before_endtime) == 0: value_end = np.nan else: value_end = value_list[before_endtime[-1]] # Crop the arrays down to the times between starttime and endtime date_list = list(np.array(date_list)[valid_idx]) value_list = list(np.array(value_list)[valid_idx]) # Add an entry for starttime and another for endtime, but not if # the values are NaN if isinstance(value0, Number): if not np.isnan(value0): date_list.insert(0, starttime) value_list.insert(0, value0) elif isinstance(value0, str): date_list.insert(0, starttime) value_list.insert(0, value0) if isinstance(value_end, Number): if not np.isnan(value_end): date_list.append(endtime) value_list.append(value_end) elif isinstance(value_end, str): date_list.append(endtime) value_list.append(value_end) return date_list, value_list
[docs] def change_only_stats(times, values, sigma=3): """Calculate the mean/median/stdev as well as the median time for a collection of change-only data. Parameters ---------- times : list List of datetime objects values : list List of values corresponding to times sigma : float Number of sigma to use for sigma-clipping Returns ------- meanval : float Mean of values medianval : float Median of values stdevval : float Standard deviation of values """ # If there is only a single datapoint, then the mean will be # equal to it. if len(times) == 0: return None, None, None, None, None if len(times) == 1: return values, values, 0., values, values else: times = np.array(times) values = np.array(values) delta_time = times[1:] - times[0:-1] delta_time_weight = np.array([e.total_seconds() for e in delta_time]) # Add weight for the final point. Set it to 1 microsecond delta_time_weight = np.append(delta_time_weight, 1e-6) meanval = np.average(values, weights=delta_time_weight) stdevval = np.sqrt(np.average((values - meanval) ** 2, weights=delta_time_weight)) maxval = np.max(values) minval = np.min(values) # In order to calculate the median, we need to adjust the weights such that # the weight represents the number of times a given value is present. Scale # it so that the minimum weight is 1 delta_time_weight = (delta_time_weight / np.min(delta_time_weight)).astype(int) # Now we find the median by sorting the values, keeping a running total of the # total number of entries given that each value will have a number of instances # dictat<ed by the weight, and selecting the value associated with the central # element. total_num = np.sum(delta_time_weight) if np.mod(total_num, 2) == 1: midpt = total_num / 2 odd = True else: midpt = total_num / 2 - 1 odd = False sorted_idx = np.argsort(values) values = values[sorted_idx] delta_time_weight = delta_time_weight[sorted_idx] total_idx = 0 for i, (val, weight) in enumerate(zip(values, delta_time_weight)): total_idx += weight if total_idx >= midpt: if odd: medianval = val else: if total_idx > midpt: medianval = val else: medianval = (val + values[i + 1]) / 2. break return meanval, medianval, stdevval, maxval, minval
[docs] def create_time_offset(dt_obj, epoch): """Subtract input epoch from a datetime object and return the residual number of seconds Parameters ---------- dt_obj : datetime.datetime Original datetiem object epoch : datetime.datetime Datetime to be subtracted from dt_obj Returns ------- obj : float Number of seconds between dt_obj and epoch """ if isinstance(dt_obj, Time): return (dt_obj - epoch).to(u.second).value elif isinstance(dt_obj, datetime): return (dt_obj - epoch).total_seconds()
[docs] def get_mnemonic(mnemonic_identifier, start_time, end_time): """Execute query and return an ``EdbMnemonic`` instance. The underlying MAST service returns data that include the datapoint preceding the requested start time and the datapoint that follows the requested end time. Parameters ---------- mnemonic_identifier : str Telemetry mnemonic identifiers, e.g. ``SA_ZFGOUTFOV`` start_time : astropy.time.Time or datetime.datetime Start time end_time : astropy.time.Time or datetime.datetime End time Returns ------- mnemonic : instance of EdbMnemonic EdbMnemonic object containing query results """ base_url = get_mast_base_url() service = ENGDB_Service(base_url) # By default, will use the public MAST service. meta = service.get_meta(mnemonic_identifier) # If the mnemonic is stored as change-only data, then include bracketing values # outside of the requested start and stop times. These may be needed later to # translate change-only data into all-points data. if meta['TlmMnemonics'][0]['AllPoints'] == 0: bracket = True else: bracket = False data = service.get_values(mnemonic_identifier, start_time, end_time, include_obstime=True, include_bracket_values=bracket) dates = [datetime.strptime(row.obstime.iso, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") for row in data] values = [row.value for row in data] if bracket: # For change-only data, check to see how many additional data points there are before # the requested start time and how many are after the requested end time. Note that # the max for this should be 1, but it's also possible to have zero (e.g. if you are # querying up through the present and there are no more recent data values.) Use these # to produce entries at the beginning and ending of the queried time range. if len(dates) > 0: dates, values = change_only_bounding_points(dates, values, start_time, end_time) data = Table({'dates': dates, 'euvalues': values}) info = get_mnemonic_info(mnemonic_identifier) # Create and return instance mnemonic = EdbMnemonic(mnemonic_identifier, start_time, end_time, data, meta, info) # Convert change-only data to "regular" data. If this is not done, checking for # dependency conditions may not work well if there are a limited number of points. # Also, later interpolations won't be correct with change-only points since we are # doing linear interpolation. if bracket: if len(mnemonic) > 0: mnemonic.change_only_add_points() return mnemonic
[docs] def get_mnemonics(mnemonics, start_time, end_time): """Query DMS EDB with a list of mnemonics and a time interval. Parameters ---------- mnemonics : list or numpy.ndarray Telemetry mnemonic identifiers, e.g. ``['SA_ZFGOUTFOV', 'IMIR_HK_ICE_SEC_VOLT4']`` start_time : astropy.time.Time instance Start time end_time : astropy.time.Time instance End time Returns ------- mnemonic_dict : dict Dictionary. keys are the queried mnemonics, values are instances of EdbMnemonic """ if not isinstance(mnemonics, (list, np.ndarray)): raise RuntimeError('Please provide a list/array of mnemonic_identifiers') mnemonic_dict = OrderedDict() for mnemonic_identifier in mnemonics: # fill in dictionary mnemonic_dict[mnemonic_identifier] = get_mnemonic(mnemonic_identifier, start_time, end_time) return mnemonic_dict
[docs] def get_mnemonic_info(mnemonic_identifier): """Return the mnemonic description. Parameters ---------- mnemonic_identifier : str Telemetry mnemonic identifier, e.g. ``SA_ZFGOUTFOV`` Returns ------- info : dict Object that contains the returned data """ mast_token = get_mast_token() return query_mnemonic_info(mnemonic_identifier, token=mast_token)
[docs] def interpolate_datetimes(new_times, old_times, old_data): """interpolate a set of datetime/value pairs onto another set of datetime objects Parameters ---------- new_times : numpy.ndarray Array of datetime objects onto which the data will be interpolated old_times : numpy.ndarray Array of datetime objects associated with the input data values old_data : numpy.ndarray Array of data values associated with ``old_times``, which will be interpolated onto ``new_times`` Returns ------- new_data : numpy.ndarray Array of values interpolated onto ``new_times`` """ # We can only linearly interpolate if we have more than one entry if len(old_data) >= 2: interp_times = np.array([create_time_offset(ele, old_times[0]) for ele in new_times]) mnem_times = np.array([create_time_offset(ele, old_times[0]) for ele in old_times]) new_data = np.interp(interp_times, mnem_times, old_data) else: # If there are not enough data and we are unable to interpolate, # then set the data table to be empty new_data = np.array([]) return new_data
[docs] def is_valid_mnemonic(mnemonic_identifier): """Determine if the given string is a valid EDB mnemonic. Parameters ---------- mnemonic_identifier : str The mnemonic_identifier string to be examined. Returns ------- bool Is mnemonic_identifier a valid EDB mnemonic? """ inventory = mnemonic_inventory()[0] if mnemonic_identifier in inventory['tlmMnemonic']: return True else: return False
[docs] def mnemonic_inventory(): """Return all mnemonics in the DMS engineering database. No authentication is required, this information is public. Since this is a rather large and quasi-static table (~15000 rows), it is cached using functools. Returns ------- data : astropy.table.Table Table representation of the mnemonic inventory. meta : dict Additional information returned by the query. """ out = Mast.service_request_async(MAST_EDB_MNEMONIC_SERVICE, {}) data, meta = process_mast_service_request_result(out) # convert numerical ID to str for homogenity (all columns are str) data['tlmIdentifier'] = data['tlmIdentifier'].astype(str) return data, meta
[docs] def process_mast_service_request_result(result, data_as_table=True): """Parse the result of a MAST EDB query. Parameters ---------- result : list of requests.models.Response instances The object returned by a call to ``Mast.service_request_async`` data_as_table : bool If ``True``, return data as astropy table, else return as json Returns ------- data : astropy.table.Table Table representation of the returned data. meta : dict Additional information returned by the query """ json_data = result[0].json() if json_data['status'] != 'COMPLETE': raise RuntimeError('Mnemonic query did not complete.\nquery status: {}\nmessage: {}'.format( json_data['status'], json_data['msg'])) try: # timestamp-value pairs in the form of an astropy table if data_as_table: data = Table(json_data['data']) else: if len(json_data['data']) > 0: data = json_data['data'][0] else: warnings.warn('Query did not return any data. Returning None') return None, None except KeyError: warnings.warn('Query did not return any data. Returning None') return None, None # collect meta data meta = {} for key in json_data.keys(): if key.lower() != 'data': meta[key] = json_data[key] return data, meta
[docs] def query_mnemonic_info(mnemonic_identifier, token=None): """Query the EDB to return the mnemonic description. Parameters ---------- mnemonic_identifier : str Telemetry mnemonic identifier, e.g. ``SA_ZFGOUTFOV`` token : str MAST token Returns ------- info : dict Object that contains the returned data """ parameters = {"mnemonic": "{}".format(mnemonic_identifier)} result = Mast.service_request_async(MAST_EDB_DICTIONARY_SERVICE, parameters) info = process_mast_service_request_result(result, data_as_table=False)[0] return info