Source code for jwql.instrument_monitors.common_monitors.dark_monitor

#! /usr/bin/env python

"""This module contains code for the dark current monitor, which
performs some basic analysis to check whether the dark current behavior
for the most recent set of input files is consistent with that from
past files.

If enough new files for a given instrument/aperture combination
(currently the files must be identified as dark current files in the
``exp_type`` header keyword) are present in the filesystem at the time
the ``dark_monitor`` is called, the files are first run through the the
appropriate pipeline steps to produce slope images.

A mean slope image as well as a standard deviation slope image is
created by sigma-clipping on a pixel by pixel basis. The mean and
standard deviation images are saved to a fits file, the name of which
is entered into the ``<Instrument>DarkCurrent`` database table.

The mean slope image is then normalized by an existing baseline slope
image, from the previous run of the monitor. New hot pixels are identified
as those with normalized signal rates above a ``hot_threshold`` value.
Similarly, pixels with normalized signal rates below a ``dead_threshold``
are flagged as new dead pixels.

The standard deviation slope image is also normalized by a baseline
(historical) standard deviation image. Pixels with normalized values
above a noise threshold are flagged as newly noisy pixels.

New hot, dead, and noisy pixels are saved to the ``DarkPixelStats``
database table.

Next, the dark current in the mean slope image is examined. A histogram
of the slope values is created for the pixels in each amplifier, as
well as for all pixels on the detector. In all cases, a Gaussian is fit
to the histogram. Currently for NIRCam and NIRISS, a double Gaussian is
also fit to the histogram from the entire detector.

The histogram itself as well as the best-fit Gaussian and double
Gaussian parameters are saved to the DarkDarkCurrent database table.

Currently, there are three outputs from the dark monitor that are shown
in the JWQL web app. First, the dark current histogram is plotted, along
with a corresponding cumulative distribution function (CDF). The Gaussian
fits are not currently shown.

Secondly, a trending plot of the mean dark current versus time is shown,
where the mean value is the sigma-clipped mean across the detector in
the mean slope image. Error bars on the plot show the sigma-clipped
standard deviation across the detector.

Finally, the mean slope image is shown. Any new potential hot, dead, and
noisy pixels that were identified are also shown on the mean slope image,
in order to give an idea of where these pixels are located on the detector.
To keep the image from becoming too busy, this is only done if the number
of potential new bad pixels is under 1000. If more pixels that this are
identified, that number is reported in the plot, but the pixels are not
marked on the image.


    - Bryan Hilbert


    This module can be used from the command line as such:



from copy import copy, deepcopy
import datetime
from glob import glob
import logging
import os

from import ascii, fits
from astropy.modeling import models
from astropy.stats import sigma_clipped_stats
from astropy.time import Time
from bokeh.models import ColorBar, ColumnDataSource, HoverTool, Legend
from bokeh.models import LinearColorMapper
from bokeh.plotting import figure
import numpy as np
from pysiaf import Siaf
from sqlalchemy import func
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import and_

from jwql.database.database_interface import session, engine
from jwql.database.database_interface import NIRCamDarkQueryHistory, NIRCamDarkPixelStats, NIRCamDarkDarkCurrent
from jwql.database.database_interface import NIRISSDarkQueryHistory, NIRISSDarkPixelStats, NIRISSDarkDarkCurrent
from jwql.database.database_interface import MIRIDarkQueryHistory, MIRIDarkPixelStats, MIRIDarkDarkCurrent
from jwql.database.database_interface import NIRSpecDarkQueryHistory, NIRSpecDarkPixelStats, NIRSpecDarkDarkCurrent
from jwql.database.database_interface import FGSDarkQueryHistory, FGSDarkPixelStats, FGSDarkDarkCurrent
from jwql.instrument_monitors import pipeline_tools
from jwql.shared_tasks.shared_tasks import only_one, run_pipeline, run_parallel_pipeline
from jwql.utils import calculations, instrument_properties, mast_utils, monitor_utils
from jwql.utils.logging_functions import log_info, log_fail
from jwql.utils.permissions import set_permissions
from jwql.utils.utils import copy_files, ensure_dir_exists, get_config, filesystem_path, save_png

THRESHOLDS_FILE = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], 'dark_monitor_file_thresholds.txt')

[docs] class Dark(): """Class for executing the dark current monitor. This class will search for new (since the previous instance of the class) dark current files in the file system. It will loop over instrument/aperture combinations and find the number of new dark current files available. If there are enough, it will copy the files over to a working directory and run the monitor. This will create a mean dark current rate image, create a histogram of the dark current values, and fit several functions to the histogram. It will also compare the dark current image to a historical image in order to search for new hot or dead pixels. Results are all saved to database tables. Parameters ---------- testing : bool For pytest. If ``True``, an instance of ``Dark`` is created, but no other code is executed. Attributes ---------- output_dir : str Path into which outputs will be placed working_dir : str Path into which new dark files will be copied to be worked on query_start : float MJD start date to use for querying MAST query_end : float MJD end date to use for querying MAST instrument : str Name of instrument used to collect the dark current data aperture : str Name of the aperture used for the dark current (e.g. ``NRCA1_FULL``) query_table : sqlalchemy table Table containing the history of dark current queries to MAST for each instrument/aperture combination pixel_table : sqlalchemy table Table containing lists of hot/dead/noisy pixels found for each instrument/detector stats_table : sqlalchemy table Table containing dark current analysis results. Mean/stdev values, histogram information, Gaussian fitting results, etc. Raises ------ ValueError If encountering an unrecognized bad pixel type ValueError If the most recent query search returns more than one entry """ def __init__(self): """Initialize an instance of the ``Dark`` class."""
[docs] def add_bad_pix(self, coordinates, pixel_type, files, mean_filename, baseline_filename, observation_start_time, observation_mid_time, observation_end_time): """Add a set of bad pixels to the bad pixel database table Parameters ---------- coordinates : tuple Tuple of two lists, containing x,y coordinates of bad pixels (Output of ``np.where`` call) pixel_type : str Type of bad pixel. Options are ``dead``, ``hot``, and ``noisy`` files : list List of fits files which were used to identify the bad pixels mean_filename : str Name of fits file containing the mean dark rate image used to find these bad pixels baseline_filename : str Name of fits file containing the baseline dark rate image used to find these bad pixels observation_start_time : datetime.datetime Observation time of the earliest file in ``files`` observation_mid_time : datetime.datetime Average of the observation times in ``files`` observation_end_time : datetime.datetime Observation time of the latest file in ``files`` """'Adding {} {} pixels to database.'.format(len(coordinates[0]), pixel_type)) # Change to int from numpy.int64 because the latter can't be put into the # database apparently. x_coord = [int(x) for x in coordinates[0]] y_coord = [int(y) for y in coordinates[1]] source_files = [os.path.basename(item) for item in files] entry = {'detector': self.detector, 'x_coord': x_coord, 'y_coord': y_coord, 'type': pixel_type, 'source_files': source_files, 'obs_start_time': observation_start_time, 'obs_mid_time': observation_mid_time, 'obs_end_time': observation_end_time, 'mean_dark_image_file': os.path.basename(mean_filename), 'baseline_file': os.path.basename(baseline_filename), 'entry_date':} with engine.begin() as connection: connection.execute(self.pixel_table.__table__.insert(), entry)
[docs] def create_mean_slope_figure(self, image, num_files, hotxy=None, deadxy=None, noisyxy=None, baseline_file=None, min_time='', max_time=''): """Create and save a png containing the mean dark slope image, to be displayed in the web app Parameters ---------- image : numpy.ndarray 2D array of the dark slop image num_files : int Number of individual exposures that went into creating the mean slope image hotxy : tup 2-tuple of lists that give x, y coordinates of possible new hot pixels deadxy : tup 2-tuple of lists that give x, y coordinates of possible new hot pixels noisyxy : tup 2-tuple of lists that give x, y coordinates of possible new hot pixels baseline_file : str Name of fits file containing the mean slope image to which ``image`` was compared when looking for new hot/dead/noisy pixels min_time : str Earliest observation time, in MJD, used in the creation of ``image``. max_time : str Latest observation time, in MJD, used in the creation of ``image``. """ output_filename = '{}_{}_{}_to_{}_mean_slope_image.png'.format(self.instrument.lower(), self.aperture.lower(), min_time, max_time) mean_slope_dir = os.path.join(get_config()['outputs'], 'dark_monitor', 'mean_slope_images') ensure_dir_exists(mean_slope_dir) output_filename = os.path.join(mean_slope_dir, output_filename)"Name of mean slope image: {}".format(output_filename)) if image is not None: # Get info on image for better display later ny, nx = image.shape img_mn, img_med, img_dev = sigma_clipped_stats(image[4: ny - 4, 4: nx - 4]) # Create figure start_time = Time(float(min_time), format='mjd').tt.datetime.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") end_time = Time(float(max_time), format='mjd').tt.datetime.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") self.plot = figure(title=f'{self.aperture}: {num_files} files. {start_time} to {end_time}', tools='') # tools='pan,box_zoom,reset,wheel_zoom,save') self.plot.x_range.range_padding = self.plot.y_range.range_padding = 0 # Create the color mapper that will be used to scale the image mapper = LinearColorMapper(palette='Viridis256', low=(img_med - (5 * img_dev)), high=(img_med + (5 * img_dev))) # Plot image and add color bar imgplot = self.plot.image(image=[image], x=0, y=0, dw=nx, dh=ny, color_mapper=mapper, level="image") color_bar = ColorBar(color_mapper=mapper, width=8, title='DN/sec') self.plot.add_layout(color_bar, 'right') if (('FULL' in self.aperture) or ('_CEN' in self.aperture)): if hotxy is not None: # Create lists of hot/dead/noisy pixel values if present hot_vals = [] for x, y in zip(hotxy[0], hotxy[1]): if ((x < nx) & (y < ny)): hot_vals.append(image[y, x]) else: hot_vals = None if deadxy is not None: dead_vals = [] for x, y in zip(deadxy[0], deadxy[1]): if ((x < nx) & (y < ny)): dead_vals.append(image[y, x]) else: dead_vals = None if noisyxy is not None: noisy_vals = [] for x, y in zip(noisyxy[0], noisyxy[1]): if ((x < nx) & (y < ny)): noisy_vals.append(image[y, x]) else: noisy_vals = None hot_legend = self.overplot_bad_pix("hot", hotxy, hot_vals) dead_legend = self.overplot_bad_pix("dead", deadxy, dead_vals) noisy_legend = self.overplot_bad_pix("noisy", noisyxy, noisy_vals) # Collect information about the file this image was compared against if baseline_file is not None: base_parts = os.path.basename(baseline_file).split('_') # Get the starting and ending time from the filename. base_start = Time(float(base_parts[3]), format='mjd').tt.datetime base_end = Time(float(base_parts[5]), format='mjd').tt.datetime base_start_time = base_start.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") base_end_time = base_end.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") legend_title = f'Compared to dark from {base_start_time} to {base_end_time}' else: legend_title = 'Compared to previous mean dark' legend = Legend(items=[hot_legend, dead_legend, noisy_legend], location="center", orientation='vertical', title=legend_title) self.plot.add_layout(legend, 'below') # Save the plot in a png save_png(self.plot, filename=output_filename) set_permissions(output_filename)
[docs] def get_metadata(self, filename): """Collect basic metadata from a fits file Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of fits file to examine """ header = fits.getheader(filename) try: self.detector = header['DETECTOR'] self.x0 = header['SUBSTRT1'] - 1 self.y0 = header['SUBSTRT2'] - 1 self.xsize = header['SUBSIZE1'] self.ysize = header['SUBSIZE2'] self.sample_time = header['TSAMPLE'] self.frame_time = header['TFRAME'] self.read_pattern = header['READPATT'] except KeyError as e: logging.error(e)
[docs] def exclude_existing_badpix(self, badpix, pixel_type): """Given a set of coordinates of bad pixels, determine which of these pixels have been previously identified and remove them from the list Parameters ---------- badpix : tuple Tuple of lists containing x and y pixel coordinates. (Output of ``numpy.where`` call) pixel_type : str Type of bad pixel being examined. Options are ``hot``, ``dead``, and ``noisy`` Returns ------- new_pixels_x : list List of x coordinates of new bad pixels new_pixels_y : list List of y coordinates of new bad pixels """ if len(badpix[0]) == 0: logging.warning("\tNo new {} pixels to check.".format(pixel_type)) return ([], [])"\tChecking {} potential new {} pixels".format(len(badpix[0]), pixel_type)) if pixel_type not in ['hot', 'dead', 'noisy']: raise ValueError('Unrecognized bad pixel type: {}'.format(pixel_type))"\t\tRunning database query") db_entries = session.query(self.pixel_table) \ .filter(self.pixel_table.type == pixel_type) \ .filter(self.pixel_table.detector == self.detector) \ .all() already_found = [] if len(db_entries) != 0: for _row in db_entries: x_coords = _row.x_coord y_coords = _row.y_coord for x, y in zip(x_coords, y_coords): already_found.append((x, y)) found_x = np.array([x[0] for x in already_found]) found_y = np.array([x[1] for x in already_found]) msg = "\t\tChecking pixels against list of {} existing {} pixels", pixel_type)) # Check to see if each pixel already appears in the database for # the given bad pixel type new_pixels_x = [] new_pixels_y = [] for x, y in zip(badpix[0], badpix[1]): ind_x = np.where(found_x == x) ind_y = np.where(found_y == y) if len(np.intersect1d(ind_x[0], ind_y[0])) == 0: new_pixels_x.append(x) new_pixels_y.append(y)"\t\tKeeping {} {} pixels".format(len(new_pixels_x), pixel_type)) session.close() return (new_pixels_x, new_pixels_y)
[docs] def exclude_too_few_groups(self, result_list): """Given a list of mast query results, go through and exlclude files that have too few groups to be useful Parameters ---------- result_list : list List of dictionaries containing a MAST query result Returns ------- filtered_results : list List of dictionaries with files containing too few groups excluded """ filtered_results = [] for result in result_list: if result['ngroups'] >= MINIMUM_DARK_CURRENT_GROUPS: filtered_results.append(result) return filtered_results
[docs] def find_hot_dead_pixels(self, mean_image, comparison_image, hot_threshold=2., dead_threshold=0.1): """Create the ratio of the slope image to a baseline slope image. Pixels in the ratio image with values above ``hot_threshold`` will be marked as hot, and those with ratio values less than ``dead_threshold`` will be marked as dead. Parameters ---------- mean_image : numpy.ndarray 2D array containing the slope image from the new data comparison_image : numpy.ndarray 2D array containing the baseline slope image to compare against the new slope image. hot_threshold : float ``(mean_image / comparison_image)`` ratio value above which a pixel is considered hot. dead_threshold : float ``(mean_image / comparison_image)`` ratio value below which a pixel is considered dead. Returns ------- hotpix : tuple Tuple (of lists) containing x,y coordinates of newly hot pixels deadpix : tuple Tuple (of lists) containing x,y coordinates of newly dead pixels """ # Avoid divide by zeros zeros = comparison_image == 0. comparison_image[zeros] = 1. mean_image[zeros] += 1. ratio = mean_image / comparison_image hotpix = np.where(ratio > hot_threshold) deadpix = np.where(ratio < dead_threshold) return hotpix, deadpix
[docs] def get_baseline_filename(self): """Query the database and return the filename of the baseline (comparison) mean dark slope image to use when searching for new hot/dead/noisy pixels. For this we assume that the most recent baseline file for the given detector is the one to use. Returns ------- filename : str Name of fits file containing the baseline image """ subq = session.query(self.pixel_table.detector, func.max(self.pixel_table.entry_date).label('maxdate') ).group_by(self.pixel_table.detector).subquery('t2') query = session.query(self.pixel_table).join( subq, and_( self.pixel_table.detector == self.detector, self.pixel_table.entry_date == subq.c.maxdate ) ) count = query.count() if not count: filename = None else: filename = query.all()[0].baseline_file # Specify the full path filename = os.path.join(get_config()['outputs'], 'dark_monitor', 'mean_slope_images', filename)'Baseline filename: {}'.format(filename)) session.close() return filename
[docs] def identify_tables(self): """Determine which database tables to use for a run of the dark monitor """ mixed_case_name = JWST_INSTRUMENT_NAMES_MIXEDCASE[self.instrument] self.query_table = eval('{}DarkQueryHistory'.format(mixed_case_name)) self.pixel_table = eval('{}DarkPixelStats'.format(mixed_case_name)) self.stats_table = eval('{}DarkDarkCurrent'.format(mixed_case_name))
[docs] def noise_check(self, new_noise_image, baseline_noise_image, threshold=1.5): """Create the ratio of the stdev (noise) image to a baseline noise image. Pixels in the ratio image with values above ``threshold`` will be marked as newly noisy. Parameters ---------- new_noise_image : numpy.ndarray 2D array containing the noise image from the new data baseline_noise_image : numpy.ndarray 2D array containing the baseline noise image to compare against the new noise image. threshold : float ``(new_noise_image / baseline_noise_image)`` ratio value above which a pixel is considered newly noisey. Returns ------- noisy : tuple Tuple (of lists) of x,y coordinates of newly noisy pixels """ # Avoid divide by zeros zeros = baseline_noise_image == 0. baseline_noise_image[zeros] = 1. new_noise_image[zeros] += 1. ratio = new_noise_image / baseline_noise_image noisy = np.where(ratio > threshold) return noisy
[docs] def overplot_bad_pix(self, pix_type, coords, values): """Add a scatter plot of potential new bad pixels to the plot Parameters ---------- pix_type : str Type of bad pixel. "hot", "dead", or "noisy" coords : tup 2-tuple of lists, containing the x and y coordinates of the bad pixels values : list Values in the mean dark image at the locations of the bad pixels Returns ------- legend_item : tup Tuple of legend text and associated plot. Will be converted into a LegendItem and added to the plot legend """ if coords is None: coords = ([], []) values = [] numpix = len(coords[0]) colors = {"hot": "red", "dead": "blue", "noisy": "pink"} adjective = {"hot": "hotter", "dead": "lower", "noisy": "noisier"} sources = {} badpixplots = {} hover_tools = {} # Need to make sources a dict because we can't use the same variable name # for multiple ColumnDataSources sources = {} badpixplots = {} # If the number of pixels to overplot is higher than the threshold, # then empty the coords list. This way we can still create a # legend entry for them if numpix > DARK_MONITOR_MAX_BADPOINTS_TO_PLOT: coords = ([], []) values = [] sources[pix_type] = ColumnDataSource(data=dict(pixels_x=coords[0], pixels_y=coords[1] ) ) # Overplot the bad pixel locations badpixplots[pix_type] ='pixels_x', y=f'pixels_y', source=sources[pix_type], color=colors[pix_type]) # Add to the legend if numpix > 0: if numpix <= DARK_MONITOR_MAX_BADPOINTS_TO_PLOT: text = f"{numpix} pix {adjective[pix_type]} than baseline" else: text = f"{numpix} pix {adjective[pix_type]} than baseline (not shown)" else: text = f"No new {adjective[pix_type]}" # Create a tuple to be added to the plot legend legend_item = (text, [badpixplots[pix_type]]) return legend_item
[docs] def process(self, file_list): """The main method for processing darks. See module docstrings for further details. Parameters ---------- file_list : list List of filenames (including full paths) to the dark current files """ # Basic metadata that will be needed later self.get_metadata(file_list[0]) # For MIRI, save the rateints files. For other instruments save the rate files. if self.instrument == 'miri': output_suffix = 'rateints' else: output_suffix = 'rate' # Run pipeline steps on files, generating slope files pipeline_files = [] slope_files = [] for filename in file_list:'\tWorking on file: {filename}') rate_file = filename.replace("dark", output_suffix) rate_file_name = os.path.basename(rate_file) local_rate_file = os.path.join(self.working_data_dir, rate_file_name) if os.path.isfile(local_rate_file):"\t\tFile {} exists, skipping pipeline".format(local_rate_file)) slope_files.append(local_rate_file) else:"\t\tAdding {} to calibration set".format(filename)) pipeline_files.append(filename) # Specify that we want to skip the dark current correction step step_args = {'dark_current': {'skip': True}} # Call the pipeline outputs = run_parallel_pipeline(pipeline_files, "dark", [output_suffix], self.instrument, step_args=step_args) for filename in file_list: processed_file = filename.replace("_dark", f"_{output_suffix}") if processed_file not in slope_files and os.path.isfile(processed_file): slope_files.append(processed_file) os.remove(filename) obs_times = []'\tSlope images to use in the dark monitor for {self.instrument}, {self.aperture}:') for item in slope_files:'\t\t{}'.format(item)) # Get the observation time for each file obstime = instrument_properties.get_obstime(item) obs_times.append(obstime) # Find the earliest and latest observation time, and calculate # the mid-time. min_time = np.min(obs_times) max_time = np.max(obs_times) mid_time = instrument_properties.mean_time(obs_times) try: # Read in all slope images and create a stack of ints (from rateints files) # or mean ints (from rate files) slope_image_stack, slope_exptimes = pipeline_tools.image_stack(slope_files, skipped_initial_ints=self.skipped_initial_ints)'Shape of slope image stack: {slope_image_stack.shape}') # Calculate a mean slope image from the inputs slope_image, stdev_image = calculations.mean_image(slope_image_stack, sigma_threshold=3) # Use the min and max observation time of the input files to create the slope file name min_time_str = min_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%m:%S') min_time_mjd = Time(min_time_str, format='isot', scale='utc').mjd min_time_mjd_trunc = "{:.4f}".format(min_time_mjd) max_time_str = max_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%m:%S') max_time_mjd = Time(max_time_str, format='isot', scale='utc').mjd max_time_mjd_trunc = "{:.4f}".format(max_time_mjd) mean_slope_file = self.save_mean_slope_image(slope_image, stdev_image, slope_files, min_time_mjd_trunc, max_time_mjd_trunc) # Free up memory del slope_image_stack # ----- Search for new hot/dead/noisy pixels ----- # Read in baseline mean slope image and stdev image # The baseline image is used to look for hot/dead/noisy pixels, # but not for comparing mean dark rates. Therefore, updates to # the baseline can be minimal. # Limit checks for hot/dead/noisy pixels to full frame data since # subarray data have much shorter exposure times and therefore lower # signal-to-noise new_hot_pix = None new_dead_pix = None new_noisy_pixels = None aperture_type = Siaf(self.instrument)[self.aperture].AperType if aperture_type == 'FULLSCA': baseline_file = self.get_baseline_filename() if baseline_file is None: logging.warning(('\tNo baseline dark current countrate image for {} {}. Setting the ' 'current mean slope image to be the new baseline.'.format(self.instrument, self.aperture))) baseline_file = mean_slope_file baseline_mean = deepcopy(slope_image) baseline_stdev = deepcopy(stdev_image) else:'\tBaseline file is {}'.format(baseline_file)) if not os.path.isfile(baseline_file): logging.warning((f'\tBaseline file {baseline_file} does not exist. Setting ' 'the current mean slope image to be the new baseline.')) baseline_file = mean_slope_file baseline_mean = deepcopy(slope_image) baseline_stdev = deepcopy(stdev_image) else: baseline_mean, baseline_stdev = self.read_baseline_slope_image(baseline_file) # Check the hot/dead pixel population for changes"\tFinding new hot/dead pixels") new_hot_pix, new_dead_pix = self.find_hot_dead_pixels(slope_image, baseline_mean) # Shift the coordinates to be in full frame coordinate system"\tShifting hot pixels to full frame") new_hot_pix = self.shift_to_full_frame(new_hot_pix) # Exclude hot and dead pixels found previously"\tExcluding previously-known hot pixels") new_hot_pix = self.exclude_existing_badpix(new_hot_pix, 'hot') # Add new hot and dead pixels to the database'\tFound {} new hot pixels'.format(len(new_hot_pix[0]))) self.add_bad_pix(new_hot_pix, 'hot', file_list, mean_slope_file, baseline_file, min_time, mid_time, max_time) # Same thing for dead pixels"\tShifting dead pixels to full frame") new_dead_pix = self.shift_to_full_frame(new_dead_pix)"\tExcluding previously-known dead pixels") new_dead_pix = self.exclude_existing_badpix(new_dead_pix, 'dead')'\tFound {} new dead pixels'.format(len(new_dead_pix[0]))) self.add_bad_pix(new_dead_pix, 'dead', file_list, mean_slope_file, baseline_file, min_time, mid_time, max_time) # Check for any pixels that are significantly more noisy than # in the baseline stdev image"\tChecking for noisy pixels") new_noisy_pixels = self.noise_check(stdev_image, baseline_stdev) # Shift coordinates to be in full_frame coordinate system"\tShifting noisy pixels to full frame") new_noisy_pixels = self.shift_to_full_frame(new_noisy_pixels) # Exclude previously found noisy pixels"\tExcluding existing bad pixels from noisy pixels") new_noisy_pixels = self.exclude_existing_badpix(new_noisy_pixels, 'noisy') # Add new noisy pixels to the database'\tFound {} new noisy pixels'.format(len(new_noisy_pixels[0]))) self.add_bad_pix(new_noisy_pixels, 'noisy', file_list, mean_slope_file, baseline_file, min_time, mid_time, max_time) # Create png file of mean slope image. Add bad pixels only for full frame apertures self.create_mean_slope_figure(slope_image, len(slope_files), hotxy=new_hot_pix, deadxy=new_dead_pix, noisyxy=new_noisy_pixels, baseline_file=baseline_file, min_time=min_time_mjd_trunc, max_time=max_time_mjd_trunc)'\tSigma-clipped mean of the slope images saved to: {}'.format(mean_slope_file)) # ----- Calculate image statistics ----- # Find amplifier boundaries so per-amp statistics can be calculated number_of_amps, amp_bounds = instrument_properties.amplifier_info(slope_files[0])'\tAmplifier boundaries: {}'.format(amp_bounds)) # Calculate mean and stdev values, and fit a Gaussian to the # histogram of the pixels in each amp (amp_mean, amp_stdev, gauss_param, gauss_chisquared, double_gauss_params, double_gauss_chisquared, histogram, bins) = self.stats_by_amp(slope_image, amp_bounds) # Remove the input files in order to save disk space files_to_remove = glob(f'{self.working_data_dir}/*fits') for filename in files_to_remove: os.remove(filename) except Exception as e: logging.critical("ERROR: {}".format(e)) raise e # Construct new entry for dark database table source_files = [os.path.basename(item) for item in file_list] for key in amp_mean.keys(): dark_db_entry = {'aperture': self.aperture, 'amplifier': key, 'readpattern': self.readpatt, 'mean': amp_mean[key], 'stdev': amp_stdev[key], 'source_files': source_files, 'obs_start_time': min_time, 'obs_mid_time': mid_time, 'obs_end_time': max_time, 'gauss_amplitude': list(gauss_param[key][0]), 'gauss_peak': list(gauss_param[key][1]), 'gauss_width': list(gauss_param[key][2]), 'gauss_chisq': gauss_chisquared[key], 'double_gauss_amplitude1': double_gauss_params[key][0], 'double_gauss_peak1': double_gauss_params[key][1], 'double_gauss_width1': double_gauss_params[key][2], 'double_gauss_amplitude2': double_gauss_params[key][3], 'double_gauss_peak2': double_gauss_params[key][4], 'double_gauss_width2': double_gauss_params[key][5], 'double_gauss_chisq': double_gauss_chisquared[key], 'mean_dark_image_file': os.path.basename(mean_slope_file), 'hist_dark_values': bins[key], 'hist_amplitudes': histogram[key], 'entry_date': } with engine.begin() as connection: connection.execute(self.stats_table.__table__.insert(), dark_db_entry)
[docs] def read_baseline_slope_image(self, filename): """Read in a baseline mean slope image and associated standard deviation image from the given fits file Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of fits file to be read in Returns ------- mean_image : numpy.ndarray 2D mean slope image stdev_image : numpy.ndarray 2D stdev image """ try: with as hdu: mean_image = hdu['MEAN'].data stdev_image = hdu['STDEV'].data return mean_image, stdev_image except (FileNotFoundError, KeyError) as e: logging.warning('Trying to read {}: {}'.format(filename, e))
@log_fail @log_info @only_one(key='dark_monitor') def run(self): """The main method. See module docstrings for further details. """'Begin logging for dark_monitor') apertures_to_skip = ['NRCALL_FULL', 'NRCAS_FULL', 'NRCBS_FULL'] # Get the working directory self.working_dir = os.path.join(get_config()['working'], 'dark_monitor') # Read in config file that defines the thresholds for the number # of dark files that must be present in order for the monitor to run limits = # Use the current time as the end time for MAST query self.query_end = # Loop over all instruments for instrument in ['miri', 'nircam']: # JWST_INSTRUMENT_NAMES: self.instrument = instrument'\n\nWorking on {instrument}') # Identify which database tables to use self.identify_tables() # Run the monitor only on the apertures listed in the threshold file. Skip all others. instrument_entries = limits['Instrument'] == instrument possible_apertures = limits['Aperture'][instrument_entries] # Get a list of all possible readout patterns associated with the aperture possible_readpatts = RAPID_READPATTERNS[instrument] for aperture in possible_apertures:'')'Working on aperture {aperture} in {instrument}') # Find appropriate threshold for the number of new files needed match = aperture == limits['Aperture'] integration_count_threshold = limits['Threshold'][match][0] self.skipped_initial_ints = limits['N_skipped_integs'][match][0] self.aperture = aperture for readpatt in possible_readpatts: self.readpatt = readpatt'\tWorking on readout pattern: {self.readpatt}') # Locate the record of the most recent MAST search self.query_start = self.most_recent_search()'\tQuery times: {self.query_start} {self.query_end}') # Query MAST using the aperture and the time of the # most recent previous search as the starting time new_entries = monitor_utils.mast_query_darks(instrument, aperture, self.query_start, self.query_end, readpatt=self.readpatt) # Exclude ASIC tuning data len_new_darks = len(new_entries) new_entries = monitor_utils.exclude_asic_tuning(new_entries) len_no_asic = len(new_entries) num_asic = len_new_darks - len_no_asic # Exclude files that don't have enough groups to be useful new_entries = self.exclude_too_few_groups(new_entries) len_new_darks = len(new_entries)'\tAperture: {self.aperture}, Readpattern: {self.readpatt}, new entries: {len(new_entries)}') # Get full paths to the files new_filenames = [] for file_entry in new_entries: try: new_filenames.append(filesystem_path(file_entry['filename'])) except FileNotFoundError: logging.warning((f"\t\tUnable to locate {file_entry['filename']} in filesystem. " "Not including in processing.")) # Generate a count of the total number of integrations across the files. This number will # be compared to the threshold value to determine if the monitor is run. # Also, in some (unusual) cases, there are files in MAST with the correct aperture name # but incorrect array sizes. Make sure that the new files all have the expected # aperture size total_integrations = 0 integrations = [] starting_times = [] ending_times = [] temp_filenames = [] bad_size_filenames = [] expected_ap = Siaf(instrument)[aperture] expected_xsize = expected_ap.XSciSize expected_ysize = expected_ap.YSciSize for new_file in new_filenames: with as hdulist: xsize = hdulist[0].header['SUBSIZE1'] ysize = hdulist[0].header['SUBSIZE2'] nints = hdulist[0].header['NINTS'] # If the array size matches expectataions, or if Siaf doesn't give an expected size, then # keep the file. Also, make sure there is at leasat one integration, after ignoring any user-input # number of integrations. keep_ints = int(nints) - self.skipped_initial_ints if ((keep_ints > 0) and ((xsize == expected_xsize and ysize == expected_ysize) or expected_xsize is None or expected_ysize is None)): temp_filenames.append(new_file) total_integrations += int(nints) integrations.append(int(nints) - self.skipped_initial_ints) starting_times.append(hdulist[0].header['EXPSTART']) ending_times.append(hdulist[0].header['EXPEND']) else: bad_size_filenames.append(new_file)'\t\t{new_file} has unexpected aperture size. Expecting ' f'{expected_xsize}x{expected_ysize}. Got {xsize}x{ysize}')) if len(temp_filenames) != len(new_filenames):'\t\tSome files returned by MAST have unexpected aperture sizes. These files ' 'will be ignored: ')) for badfile in bad_size_filenames:'\t\t\t{}'.format(badfile)) new_filenames = deepcopy(temp_filenames) # Check to see if there are enough new integrations to meet the # monitor's signal-to-noise requirements if len(new_filenames) > 0:'\t\tFilesystem search for new dark integrations for {self.instrument}, {self.aperture}, ' f'{self.readpatt} has found {total_integrations} integrations spread ' f'across {len(new_filenames)} files.')) if total_integrations >= integration_count_threshold:'\tThis meets the threshold of {integration_count_threshold} integrations.') monitor_run = True # Set up directories for the copied data ensure_dir_exists(os.path.join(self.working_dir, 'data')) self.working_data_dir = os.path.join(self.working_dir, 'data/{}_{}'.format(self.instrument.lower(), self.aperture.lower())) ensure_dir_exists(self.working_data_dir) # Split the list of good files into sub-lists based on the integration # threshold. The monitor will then be run on each sub-list independently, # in order to produce results with roughly the same signal-to-noise. This # also prevents the monitor running on a huge chunk of files in the case # where it hasn't been run in a while and data have piled up in the meantime. self.split_files_into_sub_lists(new_filenames, starting_times, ending_times, integrations, integration_count_threshold) # Run the monitor once on each list for new_file_list, batch_start_time, batch_end_time, batch_integrations in zip(self.file_batches, self.start_time_batches, self.end_time_batches, self.integration_batches): # Copy files from filesystem dark_files, not_copied = copy_files(new_file_list, self.working_data_dir) # Check that there were no problems with the file copying. If any of the copied # files have different sizes between the MAST filesystem and the JWQL filesystem, # then throw them out. for dark_file in dark_files: copied_size = os.stat(dark_file).st_size orig_size = os.stat(filesystem_path(os.path.basename(dark_file))).st_size if orig_size != copied_size: logging.error(f"\tProblem copying {os.path.basename(dark_file)} from the filesystem!") logging.error(f"Size in filesystem: {orig_size}, size of copy: {copied_size}. Skipping file.") not_copied.append(dark_file) dark_files.remove(dark_file) os.remove(dark_file)'\tNew_filenames: {}'.format(new_file_list))'\tData dir: {}'.format(self.working_data_dir))'\tCopied to data dir: {}'.format(dark_files))'\tNot copied: {}'.format(not_copied)) # Get the starting and ending time of the files in this monitor run batch_start_time = np.min(np.array(batch_start_time)) batch_end_time = np.max(np.array(batch_end_time)) if len(dark_files) > 0: # Run the dark monitor'\tRunning process for {instrument}, {aperture}, {readpatt} with:') for dkfile in dark_files:'\t{dkfile}') self.process(dark_files) else:'\tNo files remaining to process. Skipping monitor.') monitor_run = False # Update the query history once for each group of files new_entry = {'instrument': instrument, 'aperture': aperture, 'readpattern': self.readpatt, 'start_time_mjd': batch_start_time, 'end_time_mjd': batch_end_time, 'files_found': len(dark_files), 'run_monitor': monitor_run, 'entry_date':} with engine.begin() as connection: connection.execute( self.query_table.__table__.insert(), new_entry)'\tUpdated the query history table')'NEW ENTRY: ') else:'\tThis is below the threshold of {integration_count_threshold} ' 'integrations. Monitor not run.')) monitor_run = False # Update the query history new_entry = {'instrument': instrument, 'aperture': aperture, 'readpattern': self.readpatt, 'start_time_mjd': self.query_start, 'end_time_mjd': self.query_end, 'files_found': len(new_entries), 'run_monitor': monitor_run, 'entry_date':} with engine.begin() as connection: connection.execute( self.query_table.__table__.insert(), new_entry)'\tUpdated the query history table')'NEW ENTRY: ')'Dark Monitor completed successfully.')
[docs] def save_mean_slope_image(self, slope_img, stdev_img, files, min_time, max_time): """Save the mean slope image and associated stdev image to a file Parameters ---------- slope_img : numpy.ndarray 2D array containing the mean slope image stdev_img : numpy.ndarray 2D array containing the stdev image associated with the mean slope image. files : list List of input files used to construct the mean slope image min_time : str Earliest observation time, in MJD, corresponding to ``files``. max_time : str Latest observation time, in MJD, corresponding to ``files``. Returns ------- output_filename : str Name of fits file to save mean and stdev images within """ output_filename = '{}_{}_{}_to_{}_mean_slope_image.fits'.format(self.instrument.lower(), self.aperture.lower(), min_time, max_time) mean_slope_dir = os.path.join(get_config()['outputs'], 'dark_monitor', 'mean_slope_images') ensure_dir_exists(mean_slope_dir) output_filename = os.path.join(mean_slope_dir, output_filename)"Name of mean slope image: {}".format(output_filename)) primary_hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU() primary_hdu.header['INSTRUME'] = (self.instrument, 'JWST instrument') primary_hdu.header['APERTURE'] = (self.aperture, 'Aperture name') primary_hdu.header['QRY_STRT'] = (self.query_start, 'MAST Query start time (MJD)') primary_hdu.header['QRY_END'] = (self.query_end, 'MAST Query end time (MJD)') primary_hdu.header['MIN_TIME'] = (min_time, 'Beginning obs time (MJD)') primary_hdu.header['MAX_TIME'] = (max_time, 'Ending obs time (MJD)') files_string = 'FILES USED: ' for filename in files: files_string += '{}, '.format(filename) primary_hdu.header.add_history(files_string) mean_img_hdu = fits.ImageHDU(slope_img, name='MEAN') stdev_img_hdu = fits.ImageHDU(stdev_img, name='STDEV') hdu_list = fits.HDUList([primary_hdu, mean_img_hdu, stdev_img_hdu]) hdu_list.writeto(output_filename, overwrite=True) set_permissions(output_filename) return output_filename
[docs] def shift_to_full_frame(self, coords): """Shift the input list of pixels from the subarray coordinate system to the full frame coordinate system Parameters ---------- coords : tup (x, y) pixel coordinates in subarray coordinate system Returns ------- coords : tup (x, y) pixel coordinates in full frame coordinate system """ x = coords[0] x += self.x0 y = coords[1] y += self.y0 return (x, y)
[docs] def split_files_into_sub_lists(self, files, start_times, end_times, integration_list, threshold): """Given a list of filenames and a list of the number of integrations within each, split the files into sub-lists, where the files in each list have a total number of integrations that is just over the given threshold value. General assumption: Keeping files in different epochs separate is probably more important than rigidly enforcing that the required number of integrations is reached. When dividing up the input files into separate lists, we first divide up by epoch, where the start/end of epochs are defined as times where DARK_MONITOR_BETWEEN_EPOCH_THRESHOLD_TIME days pass without any new data appearing. Each epoch is then potentially subdivided further based on the threshold number of integrations (not exposures). The splitting does not operate within files. For example, if the threshold is 2 integrations, and a particular file contains 5 integrations, then the dark monitor will be called once on that file, working on all 5 integrations. At the end of the epoch, if the final group of file(s) do not have enough integrations to reach the threshold, they are ignored since there is no way to know if there are more files in the same epoch that have not yet been taken. So the files are ignored, and the query end time will be adjusted such that these files will be found in the next run of the monitor. Dark calibration plans per instrument: NIRCam - for full frame, takes only 2 integrations (150 groups) once per ~30-50 days. for subarrays, takes 5-10 integrations once per 30-50 days team response - NIRISS - full frame - 2 exps of 5 ints within each 2 week period. No requirement for the 2 exps to be taken at the same time though. Could be separated by almost 2 weeks, and be closer to the darks from the previous or following 2 week period. subarrays - 30 ints in each month-long span MIRI - 2 ints every 2 hours-5 days for a while, then 2 ints every 14-21 days team response - monitor should run on each exp separately. It should also throw out the first integration of each exp. NIRSpec - full frame 5-6 integrations spread over each month subarray - 12 ints spread over each 2 month period FGS - N/A Parameters ---------- files : list List of filenames integration_list : list List of integers describing how many integrations are in each file start_times : list List of MJD dates corresponding to the exposure start time of each file in ``files`` end_times : list List of MJD dates corresponding to the exposures end time of each file in ``files`` integration_list : list List of the number of integrations for each file in ``files`` threshold : int Threshold number of integrations needed to trigger a run of the dark monitor """'\t\tSplitting into sub-lists. Inputs at the beginning: (file, start time, end time, nints, threshold)') for f, st, et, inte in zip(files, start_times, end_times, integration_list):'\t\t {f}, {st}, {et}, {inte}, {threshold}')'\n') # Eventual return parameters self.file_batches = [] self.start_time_batches = [] self.end_time_batches = [] self.integration_batches = [] # Add the current time onto the end of start_times start_times = np.array(start_times) # Get the delta t between each pair of files. Insert 0 as the initial # delta_t, to make the coding easier delta_t = start_times[1:] - start_times[0:-1] # units are days delta_t = np.insert(delta_t, 0, 0) # Divide up the list such that you don't cross large delta t values. We want to measure # dark current during each "epoch" within a calibration proposal dividers = np.where(delta_t >= DARK_MONITOR_BETWEEN_EPOCH_THRESHOLD_TIME[self.instrument])[0] # Add dividers at the beginning index to make the coding easier dividers = np.insert(dividers, 0, 0) # If there is no divider at the end of the list of files, then add one if dividers[-1] < len(delta_t): dividers = np.insert(dividers, len(dividers), len(delta_t))'\t\t\tThreshold delta time used to divide epochs: {DARK_MONITOR_BETWEEN_EPOCH_THRESHOLD_TIME[self.instrument]} days')'\t\t\tdelta_t between files: {delta_t} days.')'\t\t\tFinal dividers (divide data based on time gaps between files): {dividers}')'\n') # Loop over epochs. # Within each batch, divide up the exposures into multiple batches if the total # number of integrations are above 2*threshold. for i in range(len(dividers) - 1): batch_ints = integration_list[dividers[i]:dividers[i + 1]] batch_files = files[dividers[i]:dividers[i + 1]] batch_start_times = start_times[dividers[i]:dividers[i + 1]] batch_end_times = end_times[dividers[i]:dividers[i + 1]] batch_int_sum = np.sum(batch_ints)'\t\t\tLoop over time-based batches. Working on batch {i}')'\t\t\tBatch Files, Batch integrations') for bi, bf in zip(batch_ints, batch_files):'\t\t\t{bf}, {bi}') # Calculate the total number of integrations up to each file batch_int_sums = np.array([np.sum(batch_ints[0:jj]) for jj in range(1, len(batch_ints) + 1)]) base = 0 startidx = 0 endidx = 0 complete = False # Divide into sublists while True: endidx = np.where(batch_int_sums >= (base + threshold))[0] # Check if we reach the end of the file list if len(endidx) == 0: endidx = len(batch_int_sums) - 1 complete = True else: endidx = endidx[0] if endidx == (len(batch_int_sums) - 1): complete = True logging.debug(f'\t\t\tstartidx: {startidx}') logging.debug(f'\t\t\tendidx: {endidx}') logging.debug(f'\t\t\tcomplete: {complete}') subgroup_ints = batch_ints[startidx: endidx + 1] subgroup_files = batch_files[startidx: endidx + 1] subgroup_start_times = batch_start_times[startidx: endidx + 1] subgroup_end_times = batch_end_times[startidx: endidx + 1] subgroup_int_sum = np.sum(subgroup_ints) logging.debug(f'\t\t\tsubgroup_ints: {subgroup_ints}') logging.debug(f'\t\t\tsubgroup_files: {subgroup_files}') logging.debug(f'\t\t\tsubgroup_int_sum: {subgroup_int_sum}') # Add to output lists. The exception is if we are in the # final subgroup of the final epoch. In that case, we don't know # if more data are coming soon that may be able to be combined. So # in that case, we ignore the files for this run of the monitor. if (i == len(dividers) - 2) and endidx == len(batch_files) - 1: # Here we are in the final subgroup of the final epoch, where we # do not necessarily know if there will be future data to combine # with these data logging.debug(f'\t\t\tShould be final epoch and final subgroup. epoch number: {i}') if np.sum(subgroup_ints) >= threshold: logging.debug('\t\t\tADDED - final subgroup of final epoch') self.file_batches.append(subgroup_files) self.start_time_batches.append(subgroup_start_times) self.end_time_batches.append(subgroup_end_times) self.integration_batches.append(subgroup_ints) else: # Here the final subgroup does not have enough integrations to reach the threshold # and we're not sure if the epoch is complete, so we skip these files and save them # for a future dark monitor run'\t\t\tSkipping final subgroup. Not clear if the epoch is complete') pass else: self.file_batches.append(subgroup_files) self.start_time_batches.append(subgroup_start_times) self.end_time_batches.append(subgroup_end_times) self.integration_batches.append(subgroup_ints) if not complete: startidx = deepcopy(endidx + 1) base = batch_int_sums[endidx] else: # If we reach the end of the list before the expected number of # subgroups, then we quit. break'\n\t\t\tEpoch number: {i}')'\t\t\tFiles, integrations in file batch:') for bi, bf in zip(batch_ints, batch_files):'\t\t\t{bf}, {bi}')'\n\t\t\tSplit into separate subgroups for processing:')'\t\t\tFiles and number of integrations in each subgroup:') for fb, ib in zip(self.file_batches, self.integration_batches):'\t\t\t{fb}, {ib}')'\t\t\tDONE WITH SUBGROUPS\n\n\n\n')
[docs] def stats_by_amp(self, image, amps): """Calculate statistics in the input image for each amplifier as well as the full image Parameters ---------- image : numpy.ndarray 2D array on which to calculate statistics amps : dict Dictionary containing amp boundary coordinates (output from ``amplifier_info`` function) ``amps[key] = [(xmin, xmax, xstep), (ymin, ymax, ystep)]`` Returns ------- amp_means : dict Sigma-clipped mean value for each amp. Keys are amp numbers as strings (e.g. ``'1'``) amp_stdevs : dict Sigma-clipped standard deviation for each amp. Keys are amp numbers as strings (e.g. ``'1'``) gaussian_params : dict Best-fit Gaussian parameters to the dark current histogram. Keys are amp numbers as strings. Values are three-element lists ``[amplitude, peak, width]``. Each element in the list is a tuple of the best-fit value and the associated uncertainty. gaussian_chi_squared : dict Reduced chi-squared for the best-fit parameters. Keys are amp numbers as strings double_gaussian_params : dict Best-fit double Gaussian parameters to the dark current histogram. Keys are amp numbers as strings. Values are six- element lists. (3-elements * 2 Gaussians). ``[amplitude1, peak1, stdev1, amplitude2, peak2, stdev2]`` Each element of the list is a tuple containing the best-fit value and associated uncertainty. double_gaussian_chi_squared : dict Reduced chi-squared for the best-fit parameters. Keys are amp numbers as strings hist : dict Dictionary of 1D arrays of histogram values bins : dict Dictionary of 1D arrays of bin centers that match the ``hist`` values. """ amp_means = {} amp_stdevs = {} gaussian_params = {} gaussian_chi_squared = {} double_gaussian_params = {} double_gaussian_chi_squared = {} hists = {} bins = {} # Add full image coords to the list of amp_boundaries, so that full # frame stats are also calculated. if self.aperture in FULL_FRAME_APERTURES[self.instrument.upper()]: maxx = 0 maxy = 0 for amp in amps: mxx = amps[amp][0][1] mxy = amps[amp][1][1] if mxx > maxx: maxx = copy(mxx) if mxy > maxy: maxy = copy(mxy) amps['5'] = [(4, maxx, 1), (4, maxy, 1)]'\tFull frame exposure detected. Adding the full frame to the list ' 'of amplifiers upon which to calculate statistics.')) for key in amps: x_start, x_end, x_step = amps[key][0] y_start, y_end, y_step = amps[key][1] indexes = np.mgrid[y_start: y_end: y_step, x_start: x_end: x_step] # Basic statistics, sigma clipped areal mean and stdev amp_mean, amp_stdev = calculations.mean_stdev(image[indexes[0], indexes[1]]) amp_means[key] = amp_mean amp_stdevs[key] = amp_stdev # Create a histogram lower_bound = (amp_mean - 7 * amp_stdev) upper_bound = (amp_mean + 7 * amp_stdev) hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(image[indexes[0], indexes[1]], bins='auto', range=(lower_bound, upper_bound)) # If the number of bins is smaller than the number of parameters # to be fit, then we need to increase the number of bins if len(bin_edges) < 7:'\tToo few histogram bins in initial fit. Forcing 10 bins.') hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(image[indexes[0], indexes[1]], bins=10, range=(lower_bound, upper_bound)) bin_centers = (bin_edges[1:] + bin_edges[0: -1]) / 2. hists[key] = hist.astype(float) bins[key] = bin_centers initial_params = [np.max(hist), amp_mean, amp_stdev] # Fit a Gaussian to the histogram. Save best-fit params and # uncertainties, as well as reduced chi squared amplitude, peak, width = calculations.gaussian1d_fit(bin_centers, hist, initial_params) gaussian_params[key] = [amplitude, peak, width] gauss_fit_model = models.Gaussian1D(amplitude=amplitude[0], mean=peak[0], stddev=width[0]) gauss_fit = gauss_fit_model(bin_centers) positive = hist > 0 degrees_of_freedom = len(hist) - 3. total_pix = np.sum(hist[positive]) p_i = gauss_fit[positive] / total_pix gaussian_chi_squared[key] = (np.sum((hist[positive] - (total_pix * p_i) ** 2) / (total_pix * p_i)) / degrees_of_freedom) # Double Gaussian fit only for full frame data (and only for # NIRISS, NIRCam at the moment.) if key == '5': if self.instrument.upper() in ['NIRISS', 'NIRCAM']: initial_params = (np.max(hist), amp_mean, amp_stdev * 0.8, np.max(hist) / 7., amp_mean / 2., amp_stdev * 0.9) double_gauss_params, double_gauss_sigma = calculations.double_gaussian_fit(bin_centers, hist, initial_params) double_gaussian_params[key] = [[param, sig] for param, sig in zip(double_gauss_params, double_gauss_sigma)] double_gauss_fit = calculations.double_gaussian(bin_centers, *double_gauss_params) degrees_of_freedom = len(bin_centers) - 6. dp_i = double_gauss_fit[positive] / total_pix double_gaussian_chi_squared[key] = np.sum((hist[positive] - (total_pix * dp_i) ** 2) / (total_pix * dp_i)) / degrees_of_freedom else: double_gaussian_params[key] = [[0., 0.] for i in range(6)] double_gaussian_chi_squared[key] = 0. else: double_gaussian_params[key] = [[0., 0.] for i in range(6)] double_gaussian_chi_squared[key] = 0.'\tMean dark rate by amplifier: {}'.format(amp_means))'\tStandard deviation of dark rate by amplifier: {}'.format(amp_means))'\tBest-fit Gaussian parameters [amplitude, peak, width]: {}'.format(gaussian_params))'\tReduced chi-squared associated with Gaussian fit: {}'.format(gaussian_chi_squared))'\tBest-fit double Gaussian parameters [amplitude1, peak1, width1, amplitude2, peak2, ' 'width2]: {}'.format(double_gaussian_params))'\tReduced chi-squared associated with double Gaussian fit: {}' .format(double_gaussian_chi_squared)) return (amp_means, amp_stdevs, gaussian_params, gaussian_chi_squared, double_gaussian_params, double_gaussian_chi_squared, hists, bins)
if __name__ == '__main__': module = os.path.basename(__file__).strip('.py') start_time, log_file = monitor_utils.initialize_instrument_monitor(module) monitor = Dark() monitor_utils.update_monitor_table(module, start_time, log_file)