Source code for jwql.jwql_monitors.monitor_cron_jobs

#! /usr/bin/env python

"""This module monitors the status of the ``jwql`` monitors via their
log files. Basic results (e.g. ``success``, ``failure``) are collected
and placed in a ``bokeh`` table for display on the web app.


    - Bryan Hilbert


    This module can be executed as such:


        from jwql.jwql_monitors import monitor_cron_jobs


    The user must have a configuration file named ``config.json``
    placed in the ``jwql`` directory.

from datetime import datetime
import logging
import numpy as np
import os
import time

from import save, output_file
from bokeh.models import ColumnDataSource
from bokeh.models.widgets import DataTable, DateFormatter, HTMLTemplateFormatter, TableColumn

from jwql.utils.logging_functions import log_info, log_fail
from jwql.utils.permissions import set_permissions
from jwql.utils.utils import get_config
from jwql.utils.monitor_utils import initialize_instrument_monitor, update_monitor_table
from jwql.utils.utils import ensure_dir_exists
from jwql.utils.protect_module import lock_module

SETTINGS = get_config()

[docs] def create_table(status_dict): """Create interactive ``bokeh`` table containing the logfile status results. Parameters ---------- status_dict : dict Nested dictionary with status results from all logfiles """ # Rearrange the nested dictionary into a non-nested dict for the table filenames = [] dates = [] missings = [] results = [] for key in status_dict: filenames.append(status_dict[key]['logname']) dates.append(datetime.fromtimestamp(status_dict[key]['latest_time'])) missings.append(str(status_dict[key]['missing_file'])) results.append(status_dict[key]['status']) # div to color the boxes in the status column success_template = """ <div style="background:<%= (function colorfromstr(){ if(value == "success"){ return("green")} else{return("red")} }()) %>; color: white"> <%= value %></div> """ # div to color the boxes in the column for possibly late logfiles missing_template = """ <div style="background:<%= (function colorfrombool(){ if(value == "True"){ return("orange")} else{return("green")} }()) %>; color: white"> <%= value %></div> """ success_formatter = HTMLTemplateFormatter(template=success_template) missing_formatter = HTMLTemplateFormatter(template=missing_template) data = dict(name=list(status_dict.keys()), filename=filenames, date=dates, missing=missings, result=results) source = ColumnDataSource(data) datefmt = DateFormatter(format="RFC-2822") columns = [ TableColumn(field="name", title="Monitor Name", width=200), TableColumn(field="filename", title="Most Recent File", width=350), TableColumn(field="date", title="Most Recent Time", width=200, formatter=datefmt), TableColumn(field="missing", title="Possible Missing File", width=200, formatter=missing_formatter), TableColumn(field="result", title="Status", width=100, formatter=success_formatter), ] data_table = DataTable(source=source, columns=columns, width=800, height=280, index_position=None) # Get output directory for saving the table files output_dir = SETTINGS['outputs'] output_filename = 'cron_status_table' # verify/create output sub-directory output_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'monitor_cron_jobs') ensure_dir_exists(output_dir) # Save full html html_outfile = os.path.join(output_dir, '{}.html'.format(output_filename)) output_file(html_outfile) save(data_table) try: set_permissions(html_outfile) except PermissionError: logging.warning('Unable to set permissions for {}'.format(html_outfile))'Saved Bokeh full HTML file: {}'.format(html_outfile))
[docs] def find_latest(logfiles): """Given a list of log files in a directory, identify the most recent. The way that ``jwql.utils.logging_functions.make_log_file`` is set up, log files for all monitors are guaranteed to be the name of the monitor followed by the datetime that they were run, so we should be able to simply sort the filenames and the last will be the most recent. Parameters ---------- logfiles : list List of logfiles in the directory Returns ------- latest : str Filename of the most recent file latest_time : float Time associated with the most recent log file """ latest = sorted(logfiles)[-1] latest_time = os.path.getctime(latest) return (latest, latest_time)
[docs] def get_cadence(filenames): """Calculate the cadence of the log files in a given directory. Use timestamps Parameters ---------- filenames : list List of log files to examine Returns ------- mean_delta : float Mean time in seconds between the appearance of consecutive log files stdev_delta : float Standard deviation in seconds between the appearance of consecutive log files """ minimum_log_num = 3 # Set to a low value for now since we don't have many logfiles times = [os.path.getctime(filename) for filename in filenames] if len(times) >= minimum_log_num: sorted_times = np.array(sorted(times)) delta_times = sorted_times[1:] - sorted_times[0:-1] mean_delta = np.mean(delta_times) stdev_delta = np.std(delta_times) else: # If there are < minimum_log_num logfiles, then let's assume we can't # get a reliable measure of cadence. Fall back to a value of # 1 year between files, to avoid accidentally flagging this monitor # as running late in the subsequent check mean_delta = 31556736.0 # sec per year stdev_delta = 31556736.0 # sec per year return mean_delta, stdev_delta
[docs] def missing_file_check(avg_time_between, uncertainty, latest_file): """Given the name of the most recent log file, along with the historical average time between files and the stdev of the time between files, determine whether we expect a more recent log file than the file given. This could hint at a problem with the cron job used to create the log files. Parameters ---------- avg_time_between : float Average number of seconds between log files uncertainty : float Standard deviation of the number of seconds between log files latest_file : str Name of the most recent log file Returns ------- late : bool True = We expect a more recent file than that given False = It is reasonable that the file given is the most recent """ latest_time = os.path.getctime(latest_file) now = time.time() time_since_latest = now - latest_time if time_since_latest > (avg_time_between + 3 * uncertainty): late = True else: late = False return late
[docs] @log_fail @log_info def status(production_mode=True): """Main function: determine the status of the instrument montiors by examining log files. Parameters ---------- production_mode : bool If ``True``, look in the main log directory. If ``False``, look in the ``dev`` log file directory. Returns ------- logfile_status : dict Nested dictionary containing the status for all monitors. Top level keys include all monitors. Within a given monitor, the value is a dictionary containing 'missing_file' and 'status' keys. 'missing_file' is a boolean describing whether or not there is a suspected missing log file based on the timestamps of the existing files. 'status' is a string that is either 'success' or 'failure'. """ # Begin logging"Beginning cron job status monitor") # Get main logfile path log_path = SETTINGS['log_dir'] # If we are in development mode, the log files are in a slightly # different location than in production mode if production_mode: log_path = os.path.join(log_path, 'prod') else: log_path = os.path.join(log_path, 'dev') # Set up a dictionary to keep track of results logfile_status = {} # Get a list of the directories under the main logging directory. generator = os.walk(log_path, topdown=True) # Loop over monitors for subdir, subsubdir, filenames in generator: # When running in production mode, skip the 'dev' subdirectory, # as it contains the development version of the monitor logs if production_mode: subsubdir[:] = [dirname for dirname in subsubdir if dirname != 'dev'] if len(filenames) > 0: monitor_name = subdir.split('/')[-1] # Avoid monitor_cron_jobs itseft if monitor_name != 'monitor_cron_jobs': log_file_list = [os.path.join(subdir, filename) for filename in filenames] # Find the cadence of the monitor delta_time, stdev_time = get_cadence(log_file_list) # Identify the most recent log file latest_log, latest_log_time = find_latest(log_file_list) # Check to see if we expect a file more recent than the latest missing_file = missing_file_check(delta_time, stdev_time, latest_log) if missing_file: logging.warning('Expected a more recent {} logfile than {}' .format(monitor_name, os.path.basename(latest_log))) # Check the file for success/failure result = success_check(latest_log)'{}: Latest log file indicates {}'.format(monitor_name, result)) # Add results to the dictionary logfile_status[monitor_name] = {'logname': os.path.basename(latest_log), 'latest_time': latest_log_time, 'missing_file': missing_file, 'status': result} # Create table of results using Bokeh create_table(logfile_status)'Cron job status monitor completed successfully.')
[docs] def success_check(filename): """Parse the given log file and check whether the script execution was successful or not Parameters ---------- filename : str Name of the log file to parse Returns ------- execution : str ``success`` or ``failure`` """ with open(filename, 'r') as file_obj: all_lines = file_obj.readlines() final_line = all_lines[-1] if 'complete' in final_line.lower(): execution = 'success' else: execution = 'failure' return execution
[docs] @lock_module def protected_code(): """Protected code ensures only 1 instance of module will run at any given time""" module = os.path.basename(__file__).strip('.py') start_time, log_file = initialize_instrument_monitor(module) status() update_monitor_table(module, start_time, log_file)
if __name__ == '__main__': protected_code()