Source code for jwql.tests.test_instrument_properties

#! /usr/bin/env python

"""Tests for the ``instrument_properties`` module.


    - Bryan Hilbert


    These tests can be run via the command line (omit the ``-s`` to
    suppress verbose output to stdout):

        pytest -s

import os
import pytest

import numpy as np

from jwql.utils import instrument_properties
from jwql.utils.constants import ON_GITHUB_ACTIONS

    from jwql.utils.utils import get_config

[docs] @pytest.mark.skipif(ON_GITHUB_ACTIONS, reason='Requires access to central storage.') def test_amplifier_info(): """Test that the correct number of amplifiers are found for a given file """ data_dir = os.path.join(get_config()['test_dir'], 'dark_monitor') fullframe = instrument_properties.amplifier_info(os.path.join(data_dir, 'test_image_ff.fits')) fullframe_truth = (4, {'1': [(4, 512, 1), (4, 2044, 1)], '2': [(512, 1024, 1), (4, 2044, 1)], '3': [(1024, 1536, 1), (4, 2044, 1)], '4': [(1536, 2044, 1), (4, 2044, 1)]}) assert fullframe == fullframe_truth fullframe = instrument_properties.amplifier_info(os.path.join(data_dir, 'test_image_ff.fits'), omit_reference_pixels=False) fullframe_truth = (4, {'1': [(0, 512, 1), (0, 2048, 1)], '2': [(512, 1024, 1), (0, 2048, 1)], '3': [(1024, 1536, 1), (0, 2048, 1)], '4': [(1536, 2048, 1), (0, 2048, 1)]}) assert fullframe == fullframe_truth subarray = instrument_properties.amplifier_info(os.path.join(data_dir, 'test_image_1.fits')) subarray_truth = (1, {'1': [(0, 10, 1), (0, 10, 1)]}) assert subarray == subarray_truth subarray_one = instrument_properties.amplifier_info(os.path.join(data_dir, 'test_image_grismstripe_one_amp.fits')) subarray_one_truth = (1, {'1': [(4, 2044, 1), (4, 64, 1)]}) assert subarray_one == subarray_one_truth subarray_four = instrument_properties.amplifier_info(os.path.join(data_dir, 'test_image_grismstripe_four_amp.fits')) subarray_four_truth = (4, {'1': [(4, 512, 1), (4, 64, 1)], '2': [(512, 1024, 1), (4, 64, 1)], '3': [(1024, 1536, 1), (4, 64, 1)], '4': [(1536, 2044, 1), (4, 64, 1)]}) assert subarray_four == subarray_four_truth
[docs] def test_calc_frame_time(): """Test calcuation of frametime for a given instrument/aperture""" nearir_fullframe = 10.73677 nircam_160 = 0.27864 nrc_fullframe = instrument_properties.calc_frame_time('nircam', 'NRCA1_FULL', 2048, 2048, 4) nrc_160 = instrument_properties.calc_frame_time('nircam', 'NRCA1_SUB160', 160, 160, 1) nrs_fullframe = instrument_properties.calc_frame_time('niriss', 'NIS_CEN', 2048, 2048, 4) # nrs_some_subarra = instrument_properies.calc_frame_time('niriss', '????', ??, ??, ?) print('STILL NEED TO ADD FRAMETIME CALCS FOR MIRI AND NIRSPEC TO THE CALC_FRAME_TIME_FUNCTION') print('CONFIRM NIRCAMSUB160 TIME ON JDOX') assert np.isclose(nrc_fullframe, nearir_fullframe, atol=0.001, rtol=0) assert np.isclose(nrc_160, nircam_160, atol=0.001, rtol=0) assert np.isclose(nrs_fullframe, nearir_fullframe, atol=0.001, rtol=0)