Source code for jwql.tests.test_permissions

#! /usr/bin/env python

"""Tests for the ``permissions`` module.


    - Johannes Sahlmann


    These tests can be run via the command line (omit the ``-s`` to
    suppress verbose output to ``stdout``):


        pytest -s

import grp
import os
import pytest

from jwql.utils.permissions import set_permissions, has_permissions, get_owner_string, get_group_string

# directory to be created and populated during tests running
TEST_DIRECTORY = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], 'permission_test')

[docs] @pytest.fixture(scope="module") def test_directory(test_dir=TEST_DIRECTORY): """Create a test directory for permission management. Parameters ---------- test_dir : str Path to directory used for testing Yields ------ test_dir : str Path to directory used for testing """ os.mkdir(test_dir) # creates directory with default mode=511 yield test_dir if os.path.isdir(test_dir): os.rmdir(test_dir)
[docs] def test_directory_permissions(test_directory): """Create a directory with the standard permissions ``('-rw-r--r--')``. Set the default permissions defined in ````. Assert that these were set correctly. Parameters ---------- test_directory : str Path of directory used for testing """ # Get owner and group on the current system.This allows to implement the tests # independently from the user. owner = get_owner_string(test_directory) group = get_group_string(test_directory) set_permissions(test_directory, owner=owner, group=group) assert has_permissions(test_directory, owner=owner, group=group)
[docs] @pytest.fixture() def test_file(test_dir=TEST_DIRECTORY): """Create a test file for permission management. Parameters ---------- test_dir : str Path to directory used for testing Yields ------ filename : str Path of file used for testing """ if not os.path.isdir(test_dir): os.mkdir(test_dir) filename = os.path.join(test_dir, 'permission_test.txt') with open(filename, 'w') as filestream: filestream.write('jwql permission test') yield filename if os.path.isfile(filename): os.remove(filename) if os.path.isdir(test_dir): os.rmdir(test_dir)
[docs] def test_file_group(test_file): """Create a file with the standard permissions ``('-rw-r--r--')`` and default group. Modify the group and set the default permissions defined in ````. Assert that both group and permissions were set correctly. Parameters ---------- test_file : str Path of file used for testing """ # Get owner and group on the current system. owner = get_owner_string(test_file) # attempt to retrieve a group name different from default group_index = 0 test_group = grp.getgrgid(os.getgroups()[group_index]).gr_name test_group_2 = grp.getgrgid(os.getgroups()[group_index + 1]).gr_name # Change the file group set_permissions(test_file, group=test_group, owner=owner) assert has_permissions(test_file, group=test_group, owner=owner) # Change to another group set_permissions(test_file, owner=owner, group=test_group_2) assert has_permissions(test_file, owner=owner, group=test_group_2)
[docs] def test_file_permissions(test_file): """Create a file with the standard permissions ``('-rw-r--r--')``. Set the default permissions defined in ````. Assert that these were set correctly. Parameters ---------- test_file : str Path of file used for testing """ # Get owner and group on the current system. owner = get_owner_string(test_file) group = get_group_string(test_file) set_permissions(test_file, owner=owner, group=group) assert has_permissions(test_file, owner=owner, group=group)