Source code for jwql.tests.test_pipeline_tools

#! /usr/bin/env python

"""Tests for the ``pipeline_tools`` module.


    - Bryan Hilbert


    These tests can be run via the command line (omit the ``-s`` to
    suppress verbose output to stdout):

        pytest -s

from collections import OrderedDict
import os
import pytest

import numpy as np

from jwql.instrument_monitors import pipeline_tools
from jwql.utils.constants import ON_GITHUB_ACTIONS
from jwql.utils.utils import get_config

[docs] @pytest.mark.skipif(ON_GITHUB_ACTIONS, reason='Requires access to central storage.') def test_completed_pipeline_steps(): """Test that the list of completed pipeline steps for a file is correct Parameters ---------- filename : str File to be checked """ filename = os.path.join(get_config()['filesystem'], 'public', 'jw02733', 'jw02733001001', 'jw02733001001_02101_00001_nrcb2_rateints.fits') completed_steps = pipeline_tools.completed_pipeline_steps(filename) true_completed = OrderedDict([('group_scale', False), ('dq_init', True), ('saturation', True), ('ipc', False), ('refpix', True), ('superbias', True), ('persistence', True), ('dark_current', True), ('linearity', True), ('firstframe', False), ('lastframe', False), ('rscd', False), ('jump', True), ('rate', True)]) # Only test steps that have a value of True completed_steps = OrderedDict((k, v) for k, v in completed_steps.items() if v is True) true_completed = OrderedDict((k, v) for k, v in true_completed.items() if v is True) assert completed_steps == true_completed
[docs] def test_get_pipeline_steps(): """Test that the proper pipeline steps are returned for an instrument """ # FGS, NIRCam, and NIRISS instruments = ['fgs', 'nircam', 'niriss'] for instrument in instruments: req_steps = pipeline_tools.get_pipeline_steps(instrument) steps = ['dq_init', 'saturation', 'superbias', 'refpix', 'linearity', 'persistence', 'dark_current', 'jump', 'rate'] not_required = ['group_scale', 'ipc', 'firstframe', 'lastframe', 'rscd'] steps_dict = OrderedDict({}) for step in steps: steps_dict[step] = True for step in not_required: steps_dict[step] = False # Only test steps that have a value of True req_steps = OrderedDict((k, v) for k, v in req_steps.items() if v is True) steps_dict = OrderedDict((k, v) for k, v in steps_dict.items() if v is True) assert req_steps == steps_dict # NIRSpec nrs_req_steps = pipeline_tools.get_pipeline_steps('nirspec') nrs_steps = ['group_scale', 'dq_init', 'saturation', 'superbias', 'refpix', 'linearity', 'dark_current', 'jump', 'rate'] not_required = ['ipc', 'persistence', 'firstframe', 'lastframe', 'rscd'] nrs_dict = OrderedDict({}) for step in nrs_steps: nrs_dict[step] = True for step in not_required: nrs_dict[step] = False # Only test steps that have a value of True nrs_req_steps = OrderedDict((k, v) for k, v in nrs_req_steps.items() if v is True) nrs_dict = OrderedDict((k, v) for k, v in nrs_dict.items() if v is True) assert nrs_req_steps == nrs_dict # MIRI miri_req_steps = pipeline_tools.get_pipeline_steps('miri') miri_steps = ['group_scale', 'dq_init', 'saturation', 'firstframe', 'lastframe', 'reset', 'linearity', 'rscd', 'dark_current', 'refpix', 'jump', 'rate', 'gain_scale'] not_required = ['ipc', 'superbias', 'persistence'] miri_dict = OrderedDict({}) for step in miri_steps: miri_dict[step] = True for step in not_required: miri_dict[step] = False # Only test steps that have a value of True miri_req_steps = OrderedDict((k, v) for k, v in miri_req_steps.items() if v is True) miri_dict = OrderedDict((k, v) for k, v in miri_dict.items() if v is True) assert miri_req_steps == miri_dict
[docs] @pytest.mark.skipif(ON_GITHUB_ACTIONS, reason='Requires access to central storage.') def test_image_stack(): """Test stacking of slope images""" directory = os.path.join(get_config()['test_dir'], 'dark_monitor') files = [os.path.join(directory, 'test_image_{}.fits'.format(str(i + 1))) for i in range(3)] image_stack, exptimes = pipeline_tools.image_stack(files) truth = np.zeros((3, 10, 10)) truth[0, :, :] = 5. truth[1, :, :] = 10. truth[2, :, :] = 15. assert np.all(image_stack == truth) assert exptimes == [[10.5], [10.5], [10.5]]
[docs] def test_steps_to_run(): """Test that the dictionaries for steps required and steps completed are correctly combined to create a dictionary of pipeline steps to be done Parameters ---------- filename : str File to be checked required : OrderedDict Dict of all pipeline steps to be run on filename already_done : OrderedDict Dict of pipeline steps already run on filename """ required = OrderedDict([('group_scale', True), ('dq_init', False), ('saturation', False), ('ipc', False), ('refpix', False), ('superbias', False), ('persistence', True), ('dark_current', True), ('linearity', False), ('firstframe', False), ('lastframe', False), ('rscd', False), ('jump', True), ('rate', True)]) already_done = OrderedDict([('group_scale', True), ('dq_init', False), ('saturation', False), ('ipc', False), ('refpix', False), ('superbias', False), ('persistence', True), ('dark_current', True), ('linearity', False), ('firstframe', False), ('lastframe', False), ('rscd', False), ('jump', False), ('rate', False)]) steps_to_run = pipeline_tools.steps_to_run(required, already_done) true_steps_to_run = OrderedDict([('group_scale', False), ('dq_init', False), ('saturation', False), ('ipc', False), ('refpix', False), ('superbias', False), ('persistence', False), ('dark_current', False), ('linearity', False), ('firstframe', False), ('lastframe', False), ('rscd', False), ('jump', True), ('rate', True)]) assert steps_to_run == true_steps_to_run