Source code for jwql.tests.test_preview_image

#! /usr/bin/env python

"""Tests for the ``preview_image`` module.


    - Johannes Sahlmann
    - Lauren Chambers


    These tests can be run via the command line (omit the ``-s`` to
    suppress verbose output to ``stdout``):


        pytest -s

import glob
import numpy as np
import os
import pytest
import shutil

from import fits
from jwst.datamodels import dqflags

from jwql.utils.preview_image import PreviewImage, crop_to_subarray
from jwql.utils.constants import ON_GITHUB_ACTIONS, ON_READTHEDOCS
from jwql.utils.utils import get_config, ensure_dir_exists

[docs] def test_crop_to_subarray(): """Test that the code correctly crops larger arrays down to the requested subarray """ # Set up a small DQ array that shows the location of reference pixels on 2 sides dq = np.ones((10, 10), dtype=int) dq[0:3, :] = 0 dq[:, 0:3] = 0 # Set up a fits header h = fits.ImageHDU([0]) h.header['FILENAME'] = 'myfile_uncal.fits' # Specify that we are cropping the DQ array down to a 5x5 subarray xdim = 5 ydim = 5 # First test the case where the header has no info on subarray location c = crop_to_subarray(dq, h.header, xdim, ydim) expected = np.ones((ydim, xdim), dtype=int) assert np.all(c == expected) # Next test the case where the header does include subarray location info h.header['SUBSTRT1'] = 2 h.header['SUBSTRT2'] = 4 h.header['SUBSIZE1'] = 5 h.header['SUBSIZE2'] = 5 c = crop_to_subarray(dq, h.header, xdim, ydim) expected = np.ones((5, 5), dtype=int) expected[:, 0:2] = 0 assert np.all(c == expected) # Tweak the y location and try again h.header['SUBSTRT2'] = 1 c = crop_to_subarray(dq, h.header, xdim, ydim) expected = np.zeros((5, 5), dtype=int) expected[3:, 2:] = 1 assert np.all(c == expected)
[docs] def get_test_fits_files(): """Get a list of the FITS files on central storage to make preview images. Returns ------- filenames : list List of filepaths to FITS files """ # Get the files from central store if not ON_GITHUB_ACTIONS and not ON_READTHEDOCS: filenames = glob.glob(os.path.join(get_config()['test_dir'], '*.fits')) assert len(filenames) > 0 return filenames # Or return an empty list else: return []
[docs] def test_get_nonsci_map(): """Test the retrieval of the dq data from an HDUList """ # Create HDUList. Start with the case where there is no DQ extension h0 = fits.PrimaryHDU([0]) h1 = fits.ImageHDU(np.zeros((10, 10), dtype=int)) hdulist = fits.HDUList([h0, h1]) extensions = ['PRIMARY', 'ERR'] xd = 10 yd = 10 dq = PreviewImage.get_nonsci_map(0, hdulist, extensions, xd, yd) expected = np.ones((10, 10), dtype=bool) assert np.all(dq == expected) # Now test the case where there is a DQ extension. And insert some # NON_SCIENCE and REFERENCE_PIXEL flags h1.header['EXTNAME'] = 'DQ' extensions[1] = 'DQ' hdulist['DQ'].data[1, 1] = dqflags.pixel['REFERENCE_PIXEL'] hdulist['DQ'].data[3, 3] = dqflags.pixel['NON_SCIENCE'] hdulist['DQ'].data[5, 5] = dqflags.pixel['HOT'] hdulist['DQ'].data[7, 7] = dqflags.pixel['REFERENCE_PIXEL'] + dqflags.pixel['NON_SCIENCE'] hdulist['DQ'].data[9, 9] = dqflags.pixel['REFERENCE_PIXEL'] + dqflags.pixel['DEAD'] dq = PreviewImage.get_nonsci_map(0, hdulist, extensions, xd, yd) expected = np.ones((10, 10), dtype=bool) expected[1, 1] = expected[3, 3] = expected[7, 7] = expected[9, 9] = 0 assert np.all(dq == expected)
[docs] @pytest.mark.skipif(ON_GITHUB_ACTIONS, reason='Requires access to central storage.') @pytest.mark.parametrize('filename', get_test_fits_files()) def test_make_image(tmp_path, filename): """Use PreviewImage.make_image to create preview images of a sample JWST exposure. Assert that the number of JPGs created corresponds to the number of integrations. Parameters ---------- tmp_path : pathlib.Path Temporary directory to write to filename : str Path of FITS image to generate preview of """ test_directory = str(tmp_path) header = fits.getheader(filename) # Create and save the preview image or thumbnail for create_thumbnail in [False, True]: try: image = PreviewImage(filename, "SCI") image.clip_percent = 0.01 image.scaling = 'log' image.cmap = 'viridis' image.output_format = 'jpg' image.thumbnail_output_directory = test_directory image.preview_output_directory = test_directory image.make_image(create_thumbnail=create_thumbnail) except ValueError as error: print(error) if create_thumbnail: extension = 'thumb' n_img = 1 else: extension = 'jpg' n_img = header['NINTS'] # list of preview images preview_image_filenames = glob.glob( os.path.join(test_directory, '*.{}'.format(extension))) assert len(preview_image_filenames) == n_img # clean up: delete preview images for file in preview_image_filenames: os.remove(file)