Source code for jwql.utils.crds_tools

#! /usr/bin/env python

"""This module contains functions used to indentify and download
reference files from CRDS and place them in the expected location, for
JWQL to find.

This module uses the ``crds`` software package
(````) which is
installed when the JWST calibration pipeline package is installed.
Reference files are identified by supplying some basic metadata from the
exposure being calibrated. See
for a description of the function used for this task.


    - Bryan Hilbert


    This module can be used as such:
        from mirage.reference_files import crds
        params = {'INSTRUME': 'NIRCAM', 'DETECTOR': 'NRCA1'}
        reffiles = crds.get_reffiles(params)

import datetime
import os

from jwql.utils.utils import ensure_dir_exists
from jwql.utils.constants import EXPTYPES

[docs] def env_variables(): """Check the values of the CRDS-related environment variables Returns ------- crds_data_path : str Full path to the location of the CRDS reference files """ crds_data_path = path_check() server_check() return crds_data_path
[docs] def path_check(): """Check that the ``CRDS_PATH`` environment variable is set. This will be the location to which CRDS reference files are downloaded. If the env variable is not set, default to use ``$HOME/crds_cache/`` Returns ------- crds_path : str Full path to the location of the CRDS reference files """ crds_path = os.environ.get('CRDS_PATH') if crds_path is None: reffile_dir = '{}/crds_cache'.format(os.environ.get('HOME')) os.environ["CRDS_PATH"] = reffile_dir ensure_dir_exists(reffile_dir) print('CRDS_PATH environment variable not set. Setting to {}'.format(reffile_dir)) return reffile_dir else: return crds_path
[docs] def server_check(): """Check that the ``CRDS_SERVER_URL`` environment variable is set. This controls where Mirage will look for CRDS information. If the env variable is not set, set it to the JWST CRDS server. """ crds_server = os.environ.get('CRDS_SERVER_URL') if crds_server is None: os.environ["CRDS_SERVER_URL"] = ""
[docs] def dict_from_yaml(yaml_dict): """Create a dictionary to be used as input to the CRDS getreferences function from the nested dictionary created when a standard Mirage input yaml file is read in. Parameters ---------- yaml_dict : dict Nested dictionary from reading in yaml file Returns ------- crds_dict : dict Dictionary of information necessary to select refernce files via getreferences(). """ crds_dict = {} instrument = yaml_dict['Inst']['instrument'].upper() crds_dict['INSTRUME'] = instrument crds_dict['READPATT'] = yaml_dict['Readout']['readpatt'].upper() # Currently, all reference files that use SUBARRAY as a selection # criteria contain SUBARRAY = 'GENERIC', meaning that SUBARRAY # actually isn't important. So let's just set it to FULL here. crds_dict['SUBARRAY'] = 'FULL' # Use the current date and time in order to get the most recent # reference file crds_dict['DATE-OBS'] = current_date = crds_dict['TIME-OBS'] = current_date.time().isoformat() array_name = yaml_dict['Readout']['array_name'] crds_dict['DETECTOR'] = array_name.split('_')[0].upper() if '5' in crds_dict['DETECTOR']: crds_dict['DETECTOR'] = crds_dict['DETECTOR'].replace('5', 'LONG') if 'FGS' in crds_dict['DETECTOR']: crds_dict['DETECTOR'] = 'GUIDER{}'.format(crds_dict['DETECTOR'][-1]) if instrument == 'NIRCAM': if crds_dict['DETECTOR'] in ['NRCALONG', 'NRCBLONG']: crds_dict['CHANNEL'] = 'LONG' else: crds_dict['CHANNEL'] = 'SHORT' # For the purposes of choosing reference files, the exposure type should # always be set to imaging, since it is used to locate sources in the # seed image, prior to any dispersion. crds_dict['EXP_TYPE'] = EXPTYPES[instrument.lower()]["imaging"] # This assumes that filter and pupil names match up with reality, # as opposed to the more user-friendly scheme of allowing any # filter to be in the filter field. crds_dict['FILTER'] = yaml_dict['Readout']['filter'] crds_dict['PUPIL'] = yaml_dict['Readout']['pupil'] return crds_dict
[docs] def get_reffiles(parameter_dict, reffile_types, download=True): """Determine CRDS's best reference files to use for a particular observation, and download them if they are not already present in the ``CRDS_PATH``. The determination is made based on the information in the ``parameter_dictionary``. Parameters ---------- parameter_dict : dict Dictionary of basic metadata from the file to be processed by the returned reference files (e.g. ``INSTRUME``, ``DETECTOR``, etc) reffile_types : list List of reference file types to look up and download. These must be contained in CRDS's list of reference file types. download : bool If ``True`` (default), the identified best reference files will be downloaded. If ``False``, the dictionary of best reference files will still be returned, but the files will not be downloaded. The use of ``False`` is primarily intended to support testing on Travis. Returns ------- reffile_mapping : dict Mapping of downloaded CRDS file locations """ # IMPORTANT: Import of crds package must be done AFTER the environment # variables are set in the functions above import crds from crds import CrdsLookupError if download: try: reffile_mapping = crds.getreferences(parameter_dict, reftypes=reffile_types) except CrdsLookupError: raise ValueError("ERROR: CRDSLookupError when trying to find reference files for parameters: {}".format(parameter_dict)) else: # If the files will not be downloaded, still return the same local # paths that are returned when the files are downloaded. Note that # this follows the directory structure currently assumed by CRDS. crds_path = os.environ.get('CRDS_PATH') try: reffile_mapping = crds.getrecommendations(parameter_dict, reftypes=reffile_types) except CrdsLookupError: raise ValueError("ERROR: CRDSLookupError when trying to find reference files for parameters: {}".format(parameter_dict)) for key, value in reffile_mapping.items(): # Check for NOT FOUND must be done here because the following # line will raise an exception if NOT FOUND is present if "NOT FOUND" in value: reffile_mapping[key] = "NOT FOUND" else: instrument = value.split('_')[1] reffile_mapping[key] = os.path.join(crds_path, 'references/jwst', instrument, value) return reffile_mapping