Source code for jwql.utils.mast_utils

"""Various utility functions for interacting with MAST


    - Bryan Hilbert


    This module can be imported as such:

    >>> import mast_utils
    results = mast_utils.mast_query('nircam', 'NRCA1_FULL', 'NRC_DARK', 53005.1, 53005.2)


import logging
import os

from astroquery.mast import Mast
from bokeh.embed import components
from import save, output_file
import pandas as pd

from jwql.utils.constants import ON_GITHUB_ACTIONS
from jwql.utils.permissions import set_permissions
from jwql.utils.utils import ensure_dir_exists, get_config
from jwql.utils.plotting import bar_chart

    Mast._portal_api_connection.MAST_REQUEST_URL = get_config()['mast_request_url']

# Increase the limit on the number of entries that can be returned by
# a MAST query.
Mast._portal_api_connection.PAGESIZE = MAST_QUERY_LIMIT

[docs] def instrument_inventory(instrument, dataproduct=JWST_DATAPRODUCTS, add_filters=None, add_requests=None, caom=False, return_data=False): """Get the counts for a given instrument and data product Parameters ---------- instrument: str The instrument name, i.e. one of ['niriss','nircam','nirspec', 'miri','fgs'] dataproduct: sequence, str The type of data product to search add_filters: dict The ('paramName':'values') pairs to include in the 'filters' argument of the request e.g. add_filters = {'filter':'GR150R'} add_requests: dict The ('request':'value') pairs to include in the request e.g. add_requests = {'pagesize':1, 'page':1} caom: bool Query CAOM service return_data: bool Return the actual data instead of counts only Returns ------- int, dict The number of database records that satisfy the search criteria or a dictionary of the data if `return_data=True` """ filters = [] # Make sure the dataproduct is a list if isinstance(dataproduct, str): dataproduct = [dataproduct] # Make sure the instrument is supported if instrument.lower() not in [ins.lower() for ins in JWST_INSTRUMENT_NAMES]: raise TypeError('Supported instruments include:', JWST_INSTRUMENT_NAMES) # CAOM service if caom: # Declare the service service = 'Mast.Caom.Filtered' # Set the filters filters += [{'paramName': 'obs_collection', 'values': ['JWST']}, {'paramName': 'instrument_name', 'values': [instrument]}, {'paramName': 'dataproduct_type', 'values': dataproduct}] # Instruent filtered service else: # Declare the service service = 'Mast.Jwst.Filtered.{}'.format(instrument.title()) # Include additonal filters if isinstance(add_filters, dict): filters += [{"paramName": name, "values": [val]} for name, val in add_filters.items()] # Assemble the request params = {'columns': 'COUNT_BIG(*)', 'filters': filters, 'removenullcolumns': True} # Just get the counts if return_data: params['columns'] = '*' # Add requests if isinstance(add_requests, dict): params.update(add_requests) response = Mast.service_request_async(service, params) result = response[0].json() # Return all the data if return_data: return result # Or just the counts else: return result['data'][0]['Column1']
[docs] def instrument_keywords(instrument, caom=False): """Get the keywords for a given instrument service Parameters ---------- instrument: str The instrument name, i.e. one of ['niriss','nircam','nirspec', 'miri','fgs'] caom: bool Query CAOM service Returns ------- pd.DataFrame A DataFrame of the keywords """ # Retrieve one dataset to get header keywords if not caom: filter_to_add = {'program': '01440'} else: filter_to_add = {'proposal_id': '01440'} sample = instrument_inventory(instrument, return_data=True, caom=caom, add_requests={'pagesize': 1, 'page': 1}, add_filters=filter_to_add) data = [[i['name'], i['type']] for i in sample['fields']] keywords = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=('keyword', 'dtype')) return keywords
[docs] def jwst_inventory(instruments=JWST_INSTRUMENT_NAMES, dataproducts=['image', 'spectrum', 'cube'], caom=False, plot=False, output_dir=None): """Gather a full inventory of all JWST data in each instrument service by instrument/dtype Parameters ---------- instruments: sequence The list of instruments to count dataproducts: sequence The types of dataproducts to count caom: bool Query CAOM service plot: bool Return a pie chart of the data output_dir: str Directory into which plots are saved Returns ------- astropy.table.table.Table The table of record counts for each instrument and mode """ if output_dir is None: output_dir = os.path.join(get_config()['outputs'], 'mast_utils') ensure_dir_exists(output_dir)'Searching database...') # Iterate through instruments inventory, keywords = [], {} for instrument in instruments: ins = [instrument] for dp in dataproducts: count = instrument_inventory(instrument, dataproduct=dp, caom=caom) ins.append(count) # Get the total ins.append(sum(ins[-3:])) # Add it to the list inventory.append(ins) # Add the keywords to the dict keywords[instrument] = instrument_keywords(instrument, caom=caom)'Completed database search for {} instruments and {} data products.'. format(instruments, dataproducts)) # Make the table all_cols = ['instrument'] + dataproducts + ['total'] table = pd.DataFrame(inventory, columns=all_cols) # Plot it if plot: if caom: output_filename = 'database_monitor_caom' else: output_filename = 'database_monitor_jwst' # Make the plot plt = bar_chart(table, 'instrument', dataproducts, title="JWST Inventory") # Save the plot as full html html_filename = output_filename + '.html' outfile = os.path.join(output_dir, html_filename) output_file(outfile) save(plt) set_permissions(outfile)'Saved Bokeh plots as HTML file: {}'.format(html_filename)) # Save the plot as components plt.sizing_mode = 'stretch_both' script, div = components(plt) div_outfile = os.path.join(output_dir, output_filename + "_component.html") with open(div_outfile, 'w') as f: f.write(div) f.close() set_permissions(div_outfile) script_outfile = os.path.join(output_dir, output_filename + "_component.js") with open(script_outfile, 'w') as f: f.write(script) f.close() set_permissions(script_outfile)'Saved Bokeh components files: {}_component.html and {}_component.js'.format( output_filename, output_filename)) # Melt the table table = pd.melt(table, id_vars=['instrument'], value_vars=dataproducts, value_name='files', var_name='dataproduct') return table, keywords
[docs] def mast_query(instrument, templates, start_date, end_date, aperture=None, detector=None, filter_name=None, pupil=None, grating=None, readpattern=None, lamp=None): """Use ``astroquery`` to search MAST for data for given observation templates over a given time range Parameters ---------- instrument : str Instrument name (e.g. ``nircam``) templates : str or list Single, or list of, templates for the query (e.g. ``NRC_DARK``, ``MIR_FLATMRS``) start_date : float Starting date for the search in MJD end_date : float Ending date for the search in MJD aperture : str Detector aperture to search for (e.g. ``NRCA1_FULL``) detector : str Detector name (e.g. ``MIRIMAGE``) filter_name : str Fitler element (e.g. ``F200W``) pupil : str Pupil element (e.g. ``F323N``) grating : str Grating element (e.g. ``MIRROR``) readpattern : str Detector read out pattern (e.g. ``NISRAPID``) lamp : str Lamp name (e.g. ``LINE2``) Returns ------- query_results : list List of dictionaries containing the query results """ # If a single template name is input as a string, put it in a list if isinstance(templates, str): templates = [templates] # Make sure instrument is correct case instrument = JWST_INSTRUMENT_NAMES_MIXEDCASE[instrument.lower()] # instrument_inventory does not allow list inputs to # the added_filters input (or at least if you do provide a list, then # it becomes a nested list when it sends the query to MAST. The # nested list is subsequently ignored by MAST.) # So query once for each flat template, and combine outputs into a # single list. query_results = [] for template_name in templates: # Create dictionary of parameters to add parameters = {"date_obs_mjd": {"min": start_date, "max": end_date}, "exp_type": template_name} if detector is not None: parameters["detector"] = detector if aperture is not None: parameters["apername"] = aperture if filter_name is not None: parameters["filter"] = filter_name if pupil is not None: parameters["pupil"] = pupil if grating is not None: parameters["grating"] = grating if readpattern is not None: parameters["readpatt"] = readpattern if lamp is not None: parameters["lamp"] = lamp query = instrument_inventory(instrument, dataproduct=JWST_DATAPRODUCTS, add_filters=parameters, return_data=True, caom=False) if len(query['data']) > 0: query_results.extend(query['data']) return query_results
[docs] def mast_query_miri(detector, aperture, templates, start_date, end_date): """Use ``astroquery`` to search MAST for data for given observation templates over a given time range for MIRI. MIRI is different than the other instruments in that (to find full frame flats and darks at least) you need to use the detector name rather than the aperture name. There is no full frame aperture name for the MRS detectors. Parameters ---------- detector : str Name of the detector to search for. One of ``MIRIMAGE``, ``MIRIFULONG``, ``MIRIFUSHORT``. aperture : str Aperture name on the detector (e.g. ``MIRIM_FULL``) templates : str or list Single, or list of, templates for the query (e.g. ``NRC_DARK``, ``MIR_FLATMRS``) start_date : float Starting date for the search in MJD end_date : float Ending date for the search in MJD Returns ------- query_results : list List of dictionaries containing the query results """ # If a single template name is input as a string, put it in a list if isinstance(templates, str): templates = [templates] instrument = 'MIRI' # instrument_inventory does not allow list inputs to # the added_filters input (or at least if you do provide a list, then # it becomes a nested list when it sends the query to MAST. The # nested list is subsequently ignored by MAST.) # So query once for each flat template, and combine outputs into a # single list. query_results = [] for template_name in templates: # Create dictionary of parameters to add if aperture.lower() != 'none': parameters = {"date_obs_mjd": {"min": start_date, "max": end_date}, "detector": detector, "apername": aperture, "exp_type": template_name} else: parameters = {"date_obs_mjd": {"min": start_date, "max": end_date}, "detector": detector, "exp_type": template_name} query = instrument_inventory(instrument, dataproduct=JWST_DATAPRODUCTS, add_filters=parameters, return_data=True, caom=False) if len(query['data']) > 0: query_results.extend(query['data']) return query_results