Source code for jwql.utils.monitor_template

#! /usr/bin/env python

This module is intended to be a template to aid in creating new
monitoring scripts and to demonstrate how to format them to fully
utilize the ``jwql`` framework.

Each monitoring script must be executable from the command line (i.e.
have a ``if '__name__' == '__main__'`` section), as well as have a "main"
function that calls all other functions, methods, or modules (i.e.
the entirety of the code is executed within the scope of the main
function), as shown in this example.

Users may utilize the ``jwql`` framework functions for logging,
setting permissions, parsing filenames, etc. (See related ``import``s).


    - Catherine Martlin
    - Matthew Bourque


    This module can be executed from the command line:


    Alternatively, it can be called from a python environment via the
    following import statements:

      from monitor_template import main_monitor_function
      from monitor_template import secondary_function


    The user must have a configuration file named ``config.json``
    placed in the ``jwql`` directory.


    Any monitoring script written for ``jwql`` must adhere to the
    ``jwql`` style guide located at:

import os
import logging

from astroquery.mast import Mast
from jwst import datamodels
from bokeh.embed import components
from bokeh.plotting import figure

# Functions for logging
from jwql.utils.logging_functions import configure_logging, log_info, log_fail

# Function for setting permissions of files/directories
from jwql.utils.permissions import set_permissions

# Function for parsing filenames
from jwql.utils.utils import filename_parser

# Objects for hard-coded information
from jwql.utils.utils import get_config

SETTINGS = get_config()

[docs] @log_fail @log_info def monitor_template_main(): """ The main function of the ``monitor_template`` module.""" # Example of logging my_variable = 'foo''Some useful information: {}'.format(my_variable)) # Example of querying for a dataset via MAST API service = "Mast.Jwst.Filtered.Niriss" params = {"columns": "filename", "filters": [{"paramName": "filter", "values": ['F430M']}]} response = Mast.service_request_async(service, params) result = response[0].json()['data'] filename_of_interest = result[0]['filename'] # jw00304002001_02102_00001_nis_uncal.fits # Example of parsing a filename filename_dict = filename_parser(filename_of_interest) # Contents of filename_dict: # {'program_id': '00304', # 'observation': '002', # 'visit': '001', # 'visit_group': '02', # 'parallel_seq_id': '1', # 'activity': '02', # 'exposure_id': '00001', # 'detector': 'nis', # 'suffix': 'uncal'} # Example of locating a dataset in the filesystem filesystem = SETTINGS['filesystem'] dataset = os.path.join(filesystem, 'public', 'jw{}'.format(filename_dict['program_id']), 'jw{}{}{}'.format(filename_dict['program_id'], filename_dict['observation'], filename_dict['visit']), filename_of_interest) # Example of reading in dataset using jwst.datamodels im = # Now have access to: # # Data array # im.err # ERR array # im.meta # Metadata such as header keywords # Example of saving a file and setting permissions'some_filename.fits') set_permissions('some_filename.fits') # Example of creating and exporting a Bokeh plot ylen, xlen = plt = figure(x_range=(0, xlen), y_range=(0, ylen)) plt.image(image=[], x=0, y=0, dw=2, dh=2, palette="Spectral11") plt.sizing_mode = 'stretch_both' # Necessary for responsive sizing on web app script, div = components(plt) working_data_dir = SETTINGS['working'] plot_output_dir = SETTINGS['outputs'] div_outfile = os.path.join(plot_output_dir, 'monitor_name', filename_of_interest + "_component.html") script_outfile = os.path.join(plot_output_dir, 'monitor_name', filename_of_interest + "_component.js") for outfile, component in zip([div_outfile, script_outfile], [div, script]): with open(outfile, 'w') as f: f.write(component) f.close() set_permissions(outfile) # Perform any other necessary code well_named_variable = "Function does something." result_of_second_function = second_function(well_named_variable)
[docs] def second_function(input_value): """ This is your axiliary function; you may have many of these. Parameters ---------- input_value : str Some value to modify in the function. Returns ------- useful_result : str The result of modifying the input value. """ # Begin logging:" ")"The auxiliary function has started running.") # Example function: useful_result = input_value + " The other function did something, too.""The auxiliary function is returning: ")" ") return useful_result
if __name__ == '__main__': # Configure logging module = os.path.basename(__file__).strip('.py') configure_logging(module) # Call the main function monitor_template_main()