Source code for jwql.utils.monitor_utils

"""Various utility functions for instrument monitors


    - Matthew Bourque
    - Bryan Hilbert
    - Maria Pena-Guerrero


    This module can be imported as such:

    >>> import monitor_utils
    settings = monitor_utils.update_monitor_table('dark_monitor')

import datetime
import os
from astroquery.mast import Mast, Observations
import numpy as np
from django import setup

from jwql.database.database_interface import Monitor, engine
from jwql.utils.constants import ON_GITHUB_ACTIONS, ON_READTHEDOCS
from jwql.utils.logging_functions import configure_logging, get_log_status
from jwql.utils import mast_utils
from jwql.utils.utils import filename_parser

# Increase the limit on the number of entries that can be returned by
# a MAST query.
Mast._portal_api_connection.PAGESIZE = MAST_QUERY_LIMIT

    # These lines are needed in order to use the Django models in a standalone
    # script (as opposed to code run as a result of a webpage request). If these
    # lines are not run, the script will crash when attempting to import the
    # Django models in the line below.
    os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "")
    from import RootFileInfo

[docs] def exclude_asic_tuning(mast_results): """Given a list of file information from a MAST query, filter out files taken during ASIC tuning, which will have bad data in terms of results for the instrument monitors. Parameters ---------- mast_results : list List of dictionaries containing a MAST query result Returns ------- filtered_results : list Modified list with ASIC tuning entries removed """ filtered_results = [] for mast_result in mast_results: if mast_result['template'] not in ASIC_TEMPLATES: filtered_results.append(mast_result) return filtered_results
[docs] def initialize_instrument_monitor(module): """Configures a log file for the instrument monitor run and captures the start time of the monitor Parameters ---------- module : str The module name (e.g. ``dark_monitor``) Returns ------- start_time : datetime object The start time of the monitor log_file : str The path to where the log file is stored """ start_time = log_file = configure_logging(module) return start_time, log_file
[docs] def mast_query_darks(instrument, aperture, start_date, end_date, readpatt=None): """Use ``astroquery`` to search MAST for dark current data Parameters ---------- instrument : str Instrument name (e.g. ``nircam``) aperture : str Detector aperture to search for (e.g. ``NRCA1_FULL``) start_date : float Starting date for the search in MJD end_date : float Ending date for the search in MJD readpatt : str Readout pattern to search for (e.g. ``RAPID``). If None, readout pattern will not be added to the query parameters. Returns ------- query_results : list List of dictionaries containing the query results """ # Make sure instrument is correct case if instrument.lower() == 'nircam': instrument = 'NIRCam' dark_template = ['NRC_DARK'] elif instrument.lower() == 'niriss': instrument = 'NIRISS' dark_template = ['NIS_DARK'] elif instrument.lower() == 'nirspec': instrument = 'NIRSpec' dark_template = ['NRS_DARK'] elif instrument.lower() == 'fgs': instrument = 'FGS' dark_template = ['FGS_DARK'] elif instrument.lower() == 'miri': instrument = 'MIRI' dark_template = ['MIR_DARKALL', 'MIR_DARKIMG', 'MIR_DARKMRS'] # instrument_inventory does not allow list inputs to # the added_filters input (or at least if you do provide a list, then # it becomes a nested list when it sends the query to MAST. The # nested list is subsequently ignored by MAST.) # So query once for each dark template, and combine outputs into a # single list. query_results = [] for template_name in dark_template: # Create dictionary of parameters to add parameters = {"date_obs_mjd": {"min": start_date, "max": end_date}, "apername": aperture, "exp_type": template_name, } if readpatt is not None: parameters["readpatt"] = readpatt query = mast_utils.instrument_inventory(instrument, dataproduct=JWST_DATAPRODUCTS, add_filters=parameters, return_data=True, caom=False) if 'data' in query.keys(): if len(query['data']) > 0: query_results.extend(query['data']) # Put the file entries in chronological order expstarts = [e['expstart'] for e in query_results] idx = np.argsort(expstarts) query_results = list(np.array(query_results)[idx]) return query_results
[docs] def mast_query_ta(instrument, aperture, start_date, end_date, readpatt=None): """Use ``astroquery`` to search MAST for TA current data Parameters ---------- instrument : str Instrument name (e.g. ``nirspec``) aperture : str Detector aperture to search for (e.g. ``NRS_S1600A1_SLIT``) start_date : float Starting date for the search in MJD end_date : float Ending date for the search in MJD readpatt : str Readout pattern to search for (e.g. ``RAPID``). If None, readout pattern will not be added to the query parameters. Returns ------- query_results : list List of dictionaries containing the query results """ # Make sure instrument is correct case if instrument.lower() == 'nirspec': instrument = 'Nirspec' if aperture == 'NRS_S1600A1_SLIT': exp_types = ['NRS_TASLIT', 'NRS_BOTA', 'NRS_WATA'] else: exp_types = ['NRS_TACQ', 'NRS_MSATA'] # instrument_inventory does not allow list inputs to # the added_filters input (or at least if you do provide a list, then # it becomes a nested list when it sends the query to MAST. The # nested list is subsequently ignored by MAST.) # So query once for each exp_type, and combine outputs into a # single list. query_results = [] for template_name in exp_types: # Create dictionary of parameters to add parameters = {"date_obs_mjd": {"min": start_date, "max": end_date}, "apername": aperture, "exp_type": template_name} if readpatt is not None: parameters["readpatt"] = readpatt query = mast_utils.instrument_inventory(instrument, dataproduct=JWST_DATAPRODUCTS, add_filters=parameters, return_data=True, caom=False) if 'data' in query.keys(): if len(query['data']) > 0: query_results.extend(query['data']) return query_results
[docs] def model_query_ta(instrument, aperture, start_date, end_date, readpatt=None): """Use local Django model to search for TA data. Parameters ---------- instrument : str Instrument name (e.g. ``nirspec``) aperture : str Detector aperture to search for (e.g. ``NRS_S1600A1_SLIT``) start_date : float Starting date for the search in MJD end_date : float Ending date for the search in MJD readpatt : str Readout pattern to search for (e.g. ``RAPID``). If None, readout pattern will not be added to the query parameters. Returns ------- query_results : list List of dictionaries containing the query results """ if aperture == 'NRS_S1600A1_SLIT': exp_types = ['NRS_TASLIT', 'NRS_BOTA', 'NRS_WATA'] else: exp_types = ['NRS_TACQ', 'NRS_MSATA'] filter_kwargs = { 'instrument__iexact': instrument, 'aperture__iexact': aperture, 'exp_type__in': exp_types, 'expstart__gte': start_date, 'expstart__lte': end_date } if readpatt is not None: filter_kwargs['readpatt'] = readpatt # get file info by instrument from local model root_file_info = RootFileInfo.objects.filter(**filter_kwargs) return root_file_info.values()
[docs] def update_monitor_table(module, start_time, log_file): """Update the ``monitor`` database table with information about the instrument monitor run Parameters ---------- module : str The module name (e.g. ``dark_monitor``) start_time : datetime object The start time of the monitor log_file : str The path to where the log file is stored """ new_entry = {} new_entry['monitor_name'] = module new_entry['start_time'] = start_time new_entry['end_time'] = new_entry['status'] = get_log_status(log_file) new_entry['log_file'] = os.path.basename(log_file) with engine.begin() as connection: connection.execute(Monitor.__table__.insert(), new_entry)